CM Covert Disclosures No.3: Updates from Smin

Will other Spike-LR 2 carriers be able to have additional missiles stored in the hull? The Namer RCWS-30 for example only has 4, yet nothing but empty space in the back of the tank where crew members would be, yet ingame no extra surplus crew members are added to the tank, despite other tanks like the Lvkv 9040C receiving 2 extra crew members in the rear of the tank.

They also said they would monitor the efficiency to see if anything else needed to be done. Gaijin could also give it a more capable round like the M829A3/4.

It only uses that IRCCM ingame. The AAM-3 IRL used a seeker head with flare rejection very similar to that of a stinger. In fact I think it may have even derived from it.

“Events” are the only times we can get high tier vehicles as rewards. Lower tier ones, such as WWII vehicles should be battlepass vehicles if anything.
And besides, there’s nothing to be disappointed about with the 140mm leopard, why would there be? It would just be the Object 292 on steroids :P

Yea, I don’t mind the notion of such detonations; the issue is that, as of now, shell rooms detonate the very second they are hit by anything, which significantly decreases ship survivability, specially American BBs.

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The Israelis had upgraded the radars they used to allow for compatibility with their HMD, and presumably added TWS. To an extent, it is accurate.
I might need to ask around for some links, but there should be sources on this if you wish to see them.

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I hope it isn’t a decrease of the number, can’t find a bug report abot it.
Should be increase it seems)


“Two missiles are ready to fire in external launchers and 8 missiles are stowed in the hull.”

Btw waiting for spall liners addition for hitfist turret users (including Freccia).

Also still looking forward to see devs get interested in making Italian F-16ADF more realistic with its loadout options.


Historical accuracy for vehicle and weapon specifications has always been a mainstay of WT, though. While not on the same level of DCS as far as intricacies and functionality are concerned, accuracy is still one of the primary appeals of WT.

Not that Gaijin hasn’t made mistakes with specs before, but they’re usually fairly decent at correcting them.

As for balance, that’s why we have the BR system (which desperately needs an overhaul along with the uptier system, IMO).

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That’d be fantastic. 🫡

These should provide insight. Although the bug report was wrongly denied, it seemingly got fixed after being re-evaluated.

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Is there a plan for the AGM-114R? For US helis?

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Has any of the J10 HUD complaints been reached by devs? its missing target locked symbol unless you get a lock with an IR missile. Its really infuriating to play with in SIM.

If that were the case then how come the British tree is as bad as it is especially with the Tornado ?

If this where Historical accuracy then most of the bugs would be fixed by now and way more 1 to 1 for historical accuracy armour models ect.

As others said war thunder markets themselves as a action game, if you want 1 to 1 for historical accuracy then DCS maybe the boat for you.

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And yet gaijin still adds vehicles with certains rounds or features added for balance. Again id rather balance be a bigger goal if the nation has no other options as again this is a game.

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a BR system overhaul would be nice tbh, the X.0 X.3 X.7 system is too limiting for the higher tiers in all modes, naval included.
(looking at japan with their SEVEN 7.0 battleships.)

I mean seriously at that point just increase the BR cap and blacklist all but the earliest jets. Bam, problem solved.

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The skink were never used by the USA and the project got rejected from them, at this point remove all the tree and make a new one named “world” since slowly everyone has the vehicles of other countries

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Just tried again, still wont save

Are we allowed a rough figure for the rank or BR? Whether it’s WW2 or post-war?
I’d personally love to see the Geschützwagen Tiger in game, I believe it was passed to the devs a while back.

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Gaijin: Nope.

You’re able to inform if the vehicle is in fact German or it will be featured in German tech tree as some other operator country that has any relationship with Germany?