CM Covert Disclosures No.3: Updates from Smin

It’s great to see the Ram II make its way over to the British tree, I’m personally a big enjoyer of Commonwealth tanks (I adore the Sentinel and AC IV) so being able to use them together will be nice. Also looking forward to seeing the Ram in the British tree’s camouflage colours too.

It would be nice if owners of the Ram would be allowed to choose which version they owned with this addition - I would definitely pick the British option if I could - but I understand that’s likely not practical. I would also love to see the later Ram II with the Mk. V 6-pounder and removed hull MG turret for a nice and strong-all-over UFP, but that and seeing the Ram I with the 2-pounder I suppose would also be limited by needing new models made that take time and money, and probably wouldn’t be popular enough sales to warrant.

More Commonwealth stuff in-game is great in any form though - I hope distantly perhaps for a New Zealand Walker Bulldog in the British tree one day too =)


Can we stop splitting Canada and just doing something with it?


This is just peak laziness. There’s at least a dozen indigenous US SPAA designs that were prototyped and could fit in that BR range. The US had nothing to do with the Skink, why should they get it? Just add the domestic US SPAA that players have been suggesting to you for years.

Players are only praising this change because it’s a band-aid fix to a bad situation which in your own words will be remedied later anyway with domestic vehicles. So what’s the point?

Just let people know you hear them. Let them know things like the T36, T52, T77, T85, etc are coming. They’ll get more excited because 1) they might not have heard of the vehicles before & 2) that their issue is being addressed.

It’s about time for the Ram II. Still incredibly disappointing the US gets to keep it. It should have been added to the British tree from the start. You should remove it just like how the British tree lost the Strv 81 when the Swedish were added and how the British tree lost the Sho’t Kal Dalet when the Israel tree was added. Though I guess the US version is representative of the one they tested, and if that’s the case I fully expect it to be rebranded as a US vehicle.

Another question about the Ram II, are you going to make me buy it again? I only bought it because it’s a Commonwealth vehicle and have no actual interest in grinding the US tree. With it being in the British tree I’d rather have mine transferred there.

Also, what about the M22 Locust and T18E2 Boarhound? Those were built at British request, with British money, to British specifications, shipped to the British, and actually used by British forces. Will they also be copied over to the British tree?


How about some work on the Heli PvE mode??? It’s been forever since it’s been updated. That mode got worse with the Heli change. I really think that mode needs an overhaul.

Sad the Ram II is gonna be premium but hey it goes to Britain now so. Not all bad

You made a button that doesnt do anything on dev make it function already please

That depends on how many total games there were during the period. Those “hundreds of thousands” might only be like 0.01% of games (which then means that its very balanced), or it could be 5% or all games which would make your statement closer to correct.

Just stating “unbalanced” with only that statistic and no further info seems way to reductive.

Any clue about GB1000 guided bomb for J-10 and guided bombs on inner wing hardpoint of J-10? many photos and guid-book from NORINCO shows they are surely exist.

will gaijin show us the battle perfomence of the vihicles? I mean,some third party website shows that USA top tier win rate much much lower than other nations.but is that the turth in deed?

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Smart, I like your way of thinking

I hope the ground germany event comes only after 3 weeks from now. How long were usually the start times from announcment?

you are right. Israeli tech tree is broken (not in a good way) and only gaijin can fix that

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I have no answer nor insight behind the scenes other than chat and name-bans :)

Thanks for the glimpse into the next update!

I want to stress how important two major things are:

  1. CAS Balance in Ground RB
  2. Mission variation in Air RB

CAS Balance
There has been plenty of discussion in the forum around CAS and various options on how to make things more balanced. At the moment it feels like CAS is shooting fish in a barrel and that takes away a large part of the fun in playing ground, especially in high and top tier where the balance has shifted almost exclusively towards CAS.
How about adding some of those AI SPAA Gunner from Naval or the EC maps in Air RB?

Mission variation
Air RB right now is probably the most boring game mode due to its repetitiveness. It’s the same 4 bases that need to be bombed and even on the EC mode you only have bases to bomb. And even so, Bomber gameplay is no longer existing either, as Strike Aircraft or Multirole fighters take the bases before you have a chance and with the added respawn time for bases…you (hopefully) get the point.
The game mode needs variety, it needs the use of the advanced weaponry in high and top tier that you implemented.

I would prefer those points to be tackled by the Devs a lot more than adding new visual effects or reworking a map.


Merci pour les infos

Is that really not obvious enough?

Like some things like barrel glowing or shell holes it may just not appear on ULQ though i don’t suppose it will be too costly in performance

If you’re introducing cool new visual effects could we get fixed the water spray effect that’s been broken since the major update: Community Bug Reporting System

Future is looking bright for the game!

No mention of the Binoculars being bugged since the major update weeks ago.

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