CM Covert Disclosures No.3: Updates from Smin

@Smin1080p_WT, is there any plans to update the armament of the F-16 MLU (Chinese TT) by adding ARH missiles, irccm missiles and increase the amount of countermeasures?

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As Much As I Agree, The Ki-102 Should Be Fixed And Get More CAS Capability (It’s Literally Its Role).

Japan Has Plenty Of Great CAS, And Planes I’d Still Take Over The Ki-102 Even If It Were To Be Fixed. Use 60kgs With Gyro-stabilized Bombsights Of The B5N, B6N, Emperor’s Blessed B7A, or Any Other Plane Of The Same Line.

Not To Mention Navy 20mm’s Found On The A6Ms Or N1Ks.

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Tbh im a french main and i don’t really want the DF 105, would prefer the AMX-13 105 :P.

Oh I know. It’ll look way better. Iffy on it for now, but it’s great for a start.

Really “all that would be needed” to fix/improve the situation is the addition of the M774 shell to all vehicles with the M68 barrel (or perhaps just ones that are ~9.0+ BR).

The M60A3 TTS has the same exact barrel as the XM1, has the M774 and M735 shells, and is even 0.3 br lower than the XM1.

I really see no reason why the M774 shell couldn’t be added to all/most vehicles with the M68 barrel, and then no one would need to be concerned with the state of the M735 shell anymore. The one I have issue with the most it the XM1 as it is hardly useful at its current BR. I never use it anymore since the changes to the M735 shell.

But, a change/improvement to the M735 shell AND the addition of the M774 shell to higher BR tanks like the XM1 would be the best of both worlds 😉 Thank you for revisiting this topic guys, cheers!





I wish there was some feedback on the helicopter module damage changes to the helicopters that lack module updates. Because currently you get clipped by a simple machine gun bullet once and you are completely shut down.

I have done a handful of GAB matches, and while it isn’t like it was before the first change, it is MUCH better imo using the helicopters, while still making it more possible to take OUT the helicopters from ground units. I have not played enough matches yet to say for certain if it is “balanced” now, BUT it is definitely better than before today’s update, from the handful of times I have flown them.

All in all - sounds cool. What I’m really looking forward to is the next set of BR changes, when are they in the works?


“Recent” requests for SPAA? U.S has had a blindingly obvious, enormous and ignored gap for years. The requests are very old by this point. Just glad to see the gap is being plugged at long last.


We need BR changes more often than twice a year. As it stands rn the current twice a year leaves vehicles in poor states for much too long.


Really we should get at least one with every update, since every update inevitably brings slight shifts to the meta which warrant BR changes accordingly.


I agree partially, gaijin seems unable to gather proper data on vehicles after just a single update so i think every 2 updates could be nice as it gives them a bit of time.


Yeeeah, I think sometimes changes are made that require more immediate action, even if they can’t get all the data they want. Stuff like the NS-45 APHE addition on things like the TIS MA.

I can’t stretch just how important and helpful these disclosures are to me and many other! Thanks you for being so open with us all about the game, it really does mean a lot.

That being said I would like to ask if we’ll ever get any updates on the following regarding the state of Israel as a playable nation. Some of these issues been here for over 2 years, and all of them seem to be in limbo for the time being. Would really like to see them addressed in the future, or hopefully here…

1: When will the Merkava Mk.4s armor and weight problems be addressed and fixed? Multiple Israeli news Articles and the IDF themselves state the vehicle weighs around or above 80 tons, yet ingame it weighs 65 tons, which is 15 tons underweight, and that’s literally only half a ton more than the Merkava Mk.3 series. Developers attempted to improve the Mk.4s armor values on a dev server way back when, but they then changed it back to its current state and said that if the composite/SLERA armor it had was that strong, the tank would weigh more.
Surely the devs don’t think these two significantly differently sized tanks have a weight difference of half a ton? FWD: Apr 12 2022 [] Merkava Mk. 4 Weight Incorrect - Documented Ground Reports - War Thunder - Official Forum

2: A top tier SPAA for Israel? The best we have is the Imp. Chaparral which is over-BR’d as it, since it has NO gimble limit, mediocre range, and no search function. It’s like if you took everything good away from the Strela-10M2, made it even worse than that, and then kept it at the same BR. Please just give us anything, the only way to deal with enemy jets is to spawn some of our own, which costs a considerable amount of SP.

3: Namer RCWS-30 armor? It has no hull armor to speak of, despite being larger than the Merkava Mk.4s hull and weighing more than the Merkava Mk.3 IRL. It’s pathetic, and the devs even added 4 extra tons this update, without improving the armor at all. It’s absolutely disgraceful and poorly modeled, and needs to be re-examined/evaluated for improvement given its weight and public knowledge on its armor values.

4: The Trophy APS on the Merkava Mk.4M currently isn’t working, when can we expect it to be fixed, if ever?

5: The AH-60 received the Spike-ER missiles, yet the AH-64D-I “Saraph” still hasn’t received them. It was passed as a suggestion, but still no word on if it will be added.
Israel already has 2 other AH-64s at the exact same BR with the same capabilities, so there’s no point at holding it back on purpose.

Hopefully this wasn’t too long and I picked things you may be able to answer. I really would love to have these issues addressed someday and they’re really ruining the Israeli TT experience…


If the shells are exposed to fire for a prolonged time, they will absolutely explode

I’d argue they’re a little bit too bland right now. You’ll be able to see just fine due to the angle of the camera, so they should thicken it up a bit.

Not mad necessarily, they just really are needed right now.

Outstanding. 🫡

But is this historically accurate?


Historical accuracy isn’t the main priority anymore when balance is of higher concern. This is a game. Not a simulator if you want that go play DCS. Im fine with gaijin adding stuff like this because it makes those vehicles which were lacking actually fun.


The Ki-102 Otsu is supposed to have a pretty decent bombload…