Chose a nation for me to grind all the way to top tier (Air and Ground)

Just here out of pure boredom, depression and in need for fun, im here to just challenge myself and try something new. I have played for quite sometime (all nations to atleast end of tier 2) and decided to ask here pn the forums for u guys to Choose a nation to grind while being f2p( air and ground and dont tell me for gods sake AmEriCa CaS CArrIEs or GerMaNY sUfFErs and also RusSIan Bias), even if its italy or even israel, ILL DO IT. So the nation that has the biggest amount of request will be the one ill choose, thanks to everyone that participated and or are reading this, appreciate the time spent!

Disclaimer: on that part i didnt wanna make anyone mad im just saying that i dont care how good or bad it is, the most requested one will win.


Eh, just go for one of the big three and you are good to go. You will have most fun with them and a pretty diverse setup.

Grind rank 1 and 2 for every nation.
Although, If you want to choose one welcome to Italy)

Israel has the easiest air tree grind in my experience, but its tank grind sucks…

I would reccomend Russia but it’s top tier air sucks,

So best of both worlds is likely Sweden (however their top tier air premium sucks so good luck grinding with that)

France or Sweden. Lots of different vehicles, and they’ve been fun for me to grind up to 8.3.

It may be worth trying out Britain, I may be biased in this as an Englishman and Britain main but both ground and air have brilliant high points. Spitfires, Centurions, Harriers and the Fox may well be some of the highest of the highs in the game (once you learn their playstyle at least)

Ive convinced a lot of people in the discord servers I squad up in to try the nation out and once they get above 4.7 ground (everything in British ground is the lowest of the low of any nation in War Thunder with almost no exceptions) have loved how Britain can be a laid back to play but also allow for real tryhard bouts.

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Go China for the memes

Japanese air tree has been the single most fun grind experience I’ve had in this game. No matter what vehicle I played I had a good time. Can’t speak for their ground tree though since I don’t play it.

Thing is i dont know what to choose, because i get stuck on these problems:

Usa: good all around and some interesting stuff, but shit top tier (not cause vehicles only players) and decen overall means mid at everything( for ground) cant say for planes, cause they are pretty damn good

Germany: insanely good tanks and planes at almost every br(except early jet), but big tech tree like all of the big three and players with room temperature iq (way more common than other nations

Russia:good armor and lots of options but no gun depression, no ammo on planes, slow turret traverse and painfully long reloads

Britain: some interesting options with insane penetration and good planes but solid shot and apds inconsistency and also bad ammo layout

France: lots of autoloaders and speady vehicles but no stabs and solid shot( dont know about air)

Italy: wheely boys with no armor best armor and also lightning fast armored cars cars (not tanks) amd decent planes but toptier is just lacking

Sweden: insanely powerful with a lot of stuff from other countries but big repair cost, and like minor nations lots of br gaps( interesting stuff too but unique, not powerful)

China: best of russia and usa, having lost of lineups with good vehicles but yet u have nothing new to play, nothing unique to play like sweden

Japan: turning bias and also decent tanks overall, with no armor best armor rule but until u get to br 6.7, its is kind of painto get there, plus better options on other countries and br gaps

Israel: short tech tree means top tier fast with good vehicles here and there but their top tier is kinda lacking

So this is more of a asking “choose for me a nation to play”, other than a “what nation to play”
But yet thanks for the advice and everyone that replied to this post, so britain is winning by two votes, so if no more replies are made making a nation tie with britain, then i will choose it

Italy/Sweden is fun. Sweden has many great guns with good mobility. Same for italy. Only difference Italy has much more Armoured car TDs soo

Id say its up to preference. :3

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So the score is like this:

Usa: 1
Germany: 1
Russia: 2
Great britain 2
France: 2
China: 1
Japan: 1
Italy: 6
Israel: 1
Sweden: 6

If no replies are made, it will be sweden i will play until top tier, nothing else until then. It will be the same if another nation win
Note: i will keep updating it so no worries!

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Italy why speed car

Try grinding the “touch grass” tree, it usually helps with that.

Otherwise I vote for France, Italy or Sweden

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Italy 👍🏾


If you want a fun, odd and diverse tree then Sweden ground has some really weird oddballs in there, as well as being a well performing tree in general.
Fun and odd vehicles:
Early there are the Spj fm/43-44, the pvkv’s and the strv m/42 DT.
Mid range there are the Bcan 1C and the U-SH 204 GK.
Late there are the the U-SH 405, both strv 103 and all of the different CV90’s (the latter because of personal bias).

Sweden air however is kind of generic but good, the most fun would probably be the SK60/SAAB 105 and anything in or above rank 7.

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So italy and sweden are tied with 5 votes, then i think if nothing incredible happens like britain just overtaking the votes, then my fate is bound to sweden or italy.

I’d say get into tier 3 all nations. That’s when you start to get a feel for the general nature of the tree. Tier 1 and 2 aren’t good enough to do this. Tier 3 means you can also use the nations for events and battle pass etc.

If its still tied when you decide that voting time is up then do as suggested above, play both trees to like rank 3 (or perhaps 4 if you have premium account and its fast?) to get a feel for which you want to choose :)

I have played sweden up to rank 4(no premium vehicles nor time) and italy early tier 2

I love both the italians and sweds, but i just cant decide which of them i should choose

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