Chose a nation for me to grind all the way to top tier (Air and Ground)

Easy choice, Sweden top to bottom.

Italy, fun tree.

Oh god another tie, i think both are like this:
Italy: good early tiers but lackluster later on
Sweden: bad early on but insane later on

i think it is like that at least for ground, im not sure about the air, so i dont know what to choose

I don’t really know about ground stuff, but between Italy and Sweden it’s definitely Italy just for the Sagittario 2… that thing is so stylish, sleek and got all the right curves… and only 2 guns when you’ll be facing lots of missiles and planes twice as fast as you and climb rates 4 times better…and a long repair time too…

But, it’s unique as all the other nations don’t have one unlike most of the other jets

(it may not belong in the sensible column of your pro/con list, but it’s in the challenging column… and maybe you need a challenge?)

Israel or Germany for me. Sometimes I feel the germany suffers and sometimes I end up tanking more the 20-30 shells from 5 other tanks.

Dont go for Brittain, whatever you do, if you like getting kicked in the nuts, yes go for it but else - dont.

Go Sweden and suffer in silence. itll make you a better player in the end or make you give up the game.

Cant agree with that, just pure suffering early on and as a f2p it will take days to unlock 1 vehicle so yeah, screwed.

Well well well, if it isnt the consequences of my actions.

Thing is i can get constant 7 or 9 kill games, but it doesnt matter if my team sucks, like i just saw and m10 fail to kill a stug, and i finished it while he shot 6 DIFFERENT TIMES!

Oh planes is especially bad. get to 11 and its like of do i want flares or to actually get RP IF i can get to the battle