China needs to be buffed


At least for its 12BR Line Up. 9BR is absolutely amazing but 12BR is very much lacking relative to other Nations.

Not just does China have less available Vehicles to field but aside from looking cool they are also argueably among the weakest in the Game - not due to them being so IRL but because the in-Game Version are absolute unrealistic depiction of them lacking many features or outright worse/nerfed to IRL.

For example : The ZTZ99A has no APS even through it does have it IRL. Both the 99A and VT4 have Spall-Liners IRL. This has even been bug-reported and accepted over a year ago - and yet nothing done so far. They also have stronger APFSDS IRL. They also have an faster Reload of 6 seconds and not 7.1. The in-Game Version is just an completely unrealistic scuffed insult to what they actually are capable of IRL.

And in case of the Line Up : Just compare it with France - France got a total of six 12BR MBTs. China only has three worse ones and they are also made out of paper. USSR and Germany got more as well and they are also way better. No Top Tier Squadron Vehicle or Premium for China either aside from the 11.0 Al-Khalid.

No Light Tank to take with you into 12BR, only one IFV with the ZBD04A and no domestic SPAA either (But i guess the TOR/HQ is good but haven’t played those myself yet) and the ZLT11 is outright garbage compared to Stuff like the Centauro for example.

Also China needs more historical Decals and Camouflages. Its not great that Nations like USSR, Germany and USA have dozens of freely available Decals and each Tank has a wide range of Camouflages to choose from whereas China only has its like ~four Roundels/Insignia and a grand total of…two free Tank/Aircraft Decal and all else are locked behind MP or were only available as FOMO Battlepass even through they were historical / real ones as well - not even shown/listed in the Customization and many Tanks for China only have their historical Camouflages available on the Marketplace. For example both the AFT09 and ZTZ96A digital Camouflage is only available on the Marketplace, many others don’t even have it. And for the Tricolour Camouflage you got to pay as well whereas as said Nations like USSR, Germany etc. get so many for free

Just my humble Opinion. But it definitely needs a buff.


i mean if you want to play china but see a lot of problems with it just play ussr you will find more fun there

Im pretty sure the APS system on ZTZ99A is a very recent development that was just seen

They are alright… nothing to really write home about sadly… Would love to see some domestic chinese antiairs soon

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The hard kill one, yes, the laser one that’s already on the model in-game and on the ZTZ-99II and III isn’t new

Only very recently it was shown with GL6 (I think its GL6), however there are older official renders from China showing it could possibly have GL5.

IIRC we dont really know what that system does. Mostly people just speculate that its a high power laser but we dont really know. I also think gaijin dont know how to implement it (neither do i)


We do know what it does


Actually, nvm it was a VT4 by the looks of it. Oh well, atleast it can possibly have GL6, I guess.

If we have the necessary information on it then I hope they implement it. I love playing TT china lmao

I dont know the names of the APS but at least we have seen ZTZ-99 with APS so it will probably be added to war thunder eventually.

Gaijin “Here take some Leopard and shut up”


I pray for this to be added as the third 12.0 MBT, VT-4 isn’t even a good 11.7, let alone 12.0, and I hope they don’t put the Abrams there

There is no doubt that China’s 12.0 is a mess. The weakest CAS, the second weakest SPAA, the third weakest MBT. I only play 11.0 in China at most, and this is the top GBR in China. And China’s 12.0, I hardly play it, I see it as if it doesn’t exist.


I really want the Type 625E anti air.

I was so disappointed when they added the HQ-17…

it looks so cool.


I must say. Chinese MBT’s arent bad. Ive done pretty well in the WZ1001 purely because its super fast.

Though i do wish they would fix the reloads and such making them more true to life.

A few very important questions:
1.The armor of the VT4 needs to be repaired or a strong enough MBT
2. Changed shell penetration or reload time.
3. A qualified SPAA (e.g. 630 postponed in leak)
4. Give a good enough CAS, China’s CAS is now the worst.
5. Qualified aircraft starter.

Many factions have some of these problems, but only China has them all.


I feel like this depression angle is pretty bad.

Gaijin’s modeling of the VT-4A1, ZTZ99A is absolute BS. And yes, I am aware that NATO MBTs also have some of these issues, but for this post I will only be referring to what is wrong with Chinese MBTs.

The reload actually isn’t 6 seconds, but it is 9 rounds per minute, which will roughly translate to 6.7/6.5 seconds. This is still a much better figure than the 7.1 seconds that Chinese MBTs have currently ingame.

The missing spall liners is ridiculous, Chinese MBTs starting with original in-service production variant of ZTZ99 already field spall liners to some degree, an early 2000s MBT. The only Chinese vehicle with spall liners in War Thunder is PLZ-05, an mid-2000s Chinese vehicle, so there is no technical bottlenecks for spall liners on ZTZ99A or VT-4, and there are many visual source that confirm that they do. And yet Gaijin accepted the report years ago and never act upon it.

And here is where I come to the most ridiculous part. ZTZ99A was nerfed to only have around 700mm RHA equivalent of protection on the UFP. This is incorrect on so many levels. This protection is the same as ZTZ99-II which preceded the 99A by over ten years ago. First of all, ZTZ99A is using a completely new hull compared to ZTZ99, they are similar only in name.

Hilariously, without ERA, ZTZ99A UFP only protects around 530mm against KE projectile. This is essentially the SAME protection as the UFP of T-72B (1985). So you tell me that the composite used by ZTZ99A is worse than the Soviet Union in the 80s, because ZTZ99A has a much thicker UFP compared to T-72B, and T-72B’s UFP even has air gaps in the armor array. There is over a 10 ton difference between T-72B and ZTZ99A, and note that ZTZ99A barely has any side armor since it dedicate all of its protection to the frontal arc, which makes it even stronger there.

The requirements for the 99A generation MBT in China is ~800mm against kinetic energy projectile, ~1400mm against chemical energy projectile, this is with ERA. The turret roof provides equivalent of 70mm against KE and 100mm against CE.

Last year, they “fixed” the model of the ZTZ99A, and yet they also give the tank a turret cheek weakness, which is above the turret ring.

As a result the weakspots of ZTZ99A is very, very big.

And don’t get me started on the VT-4A1, it also has so many issues with incorrect armor including the reload issue above. The size of the hull armor package is both incorrect in thickness and also height, it makes the LFP weakspot bigger than in real life. If you want to read more into this, here is the thread discussing these problems.

Here is the thread for 99A modeling issues.


What are the chances that China gets a Leopard? Kind of hoping that China does