China needs to be buffed

It’s a meme when France got Leopard because Gaijin not willing to fix Leclerc


I’m still baffled about China not having most of its IFV at this point, specially lower br ones, other countries have their respective ifv’s yet China has 3 and one of those 3 is labeled as SPAA, I just don’t get it, one of the easiest ones to add is just slapping a different turret on the chasis that is already on game like is pure laziness honestly, regarding decals and camouflage, is weird how both Israel and Sweden received unlockable decals yet China has a single one that has been on the game before China was even added, all the other ones come either from small events or the (missing) weekly decals, we don’t even have unlockable numbers like the ones found on soviet tanks, China has more potential than Israel yet is not even considered most of the time


China could 100% be a major nation with how much vehicles that can be added.
But no, even when they do add domestic vehicles they are modeled completely wrong.


maybe they will have Leopard2 SG if gaijin decides to

“Want your ZTZ99A fixed? Here, take some M1A2T and take some T80U and shut the f up”

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How do you fix that??

Pantsir depression is also bad