Chaos in the Skies: The Devastating Impact of the Su-25SM3 in War Thunder

That’s irrelevant. It was wrong on introduction and has since been fixed. How much faster would that have happened if it had been in. The USSR tech tree?
And now I see people claiming it’s better than the Pantsir

Edit: and that was somehow OK for the Chinese tree?

It’s still one of the worst ones, with no redeeming qualities aside from the long burn engine booster.

Eehh…The chinese TT is a afterthought by the developers, i don’t expect any coherence in it.

The TOR M1 doesn’t fit the kind of air warfare that we have in-game, shouldn’t have been added in first place.

Nohow. It wouldn’t be fixed until I provided proper sources to fix it.

And somehow that relates at all? I didn’t even mention the US in any of these, except nearly 300 replies ago to point out that someone it’s only OK for a ‘"certain’" tech tree to get essentially a cruise missile by itself, when other trees could have had them for YEARS at this point, but can’t be added at the same time.

But while we’re on the topic go ahead and get rid of the blatantly exaggerated Multipathing effect and all the window lickers in Su-25s will be eating AIM-120s from outside their launch range anyway, like they should be. Doubt that will happen though, appealing to the “‘wider demographic’” and all that.

Other countries do have access to better SHORAD systems, but almost all of them overperform the Pantsir.

Israel. SPYDER AIO can fire state-of-art IR missiles like the Python V or IV; while also boosting 3 Gen FLIR and 4 AESA radars which offer 360* x 90* coverage at all times

Germany. Various IRIS-T carriers.

China. A Pantsir clone with better missiles and AESA radar (i think).

Those are some examples.

exactly why they wont be added

if people cry about pantsir imagine those

besides, if they do plan to add them, theres still some pantsir versions that outdo the one we have rn

People cry about it because it’s clearly better than everything else in the game.

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zoo wee mama its as if russia focused on short range spaas

So these excuses justifies why Pantsir is in the game?

Pretty poor i must say.


I have a feeling that I’ll loose my ability to write on forums if I’ll get into this discussion. Guys it’s pointless, soviet mains are basically tik-tok kids for gaijin, they gotta keep their attention somehow, because without new op toy every patch they’re crying about NATO players being op. Guess why? Because despite all the handouts for homo-sovetikus - NATO players adapt, they’re forced to. How much time passed since the addition of panzir? It’s still op as hell, but have you noticed? Even though they have a panzir they still complained about orbital bombing from F-16’s. (Personally wiped them with rather ez while driving my outdated partywagen). It’s no use. I tried shooting down those new missiles with VT-1 - it’s meaningless, it just goes through and explodes somewhere behind it, all while su-25 is already 20km away from me (he never got closer than 15). Aren’t we all got used to it at this point?
Ah yea, you’re dealing with quite a few “trolls” who came from russian forums here, just saying, you can 100% identify them yourself.

umm no thats not correct


Perhaps ping issue

Ngl, the title of this thread sounds like a devblog title for the Su-25SM3 to showcase its capabilities.


The same seems to happen with APS and bushes, with destroyed projectiles detonating on vehicles and acting as they should even though I visually confirmed that it was intercepted or already detonated on a bush/tree.

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Good thing that test is not indicative of a real match at all. I’m sure every game you get to sit in spawn, hyperfocus on a single target, eyeball track the missiles he is specifically firing in intervals to give you a chance to intercept AND still fail to go 1:1 with missiles intercept with Custom lobby ping

The rest of us live in the real world where it’s actually a PvP game and not a testing ground.

It was a test to prove you can hit the missiles as someone claimed they cannot be destroyed by surface to sir missiles the video disproved that and I was shooting missiles you can’t fire all of them instantly they have Small delay

same can be said about the other test in this thread

or this, quite literally the reason this thread exists

Couldn’t find the last time he BS’d this into the aether, but he did me the favor of posting it again so I didn’t have to dig for it


Oh look, me stating the opposite of what you claimed I stated.
The fact you CAS defenders attack the WT community is a trashy behavior.
All supersonic CAS in War Thunder out-ranges all SPAA in War Thunder; which makes all SPAA equally useless.
Being better than TOR-M1 means killing CAS beyond 12km, of which Pantsir can only kill drones and helicopters beyond 12km… and jet pilots that act like drones.
So yeah, equally useless.
My jet sits at 16km going mach 1.2, outside the range of all SPAA.

All 10 tech trees need new SPAA, but you claim they don’t with posts like that.

Yeah, the dude has never seen anyone claim Pantsir is inferior to TOR-M1. Calling it now.

So we just gunna ignore the fact you wasted half of your SAMs for missiles that I will argue depending on the map, altitude and direction most radars wont even detect them because blindspots and dog coding on gaijins part for radar.

But yh I love wasting half my SAMs on AGMs and not even being a threat to the actual thing that is flinging these from 15km+ away. and I would also like to point out, do that while also facing a plethora of KAs flinging missiles at you.

You wont be wasting your time or brain power trying to fight ghost missiles when a KA pops up and is clapping spawn.

I dont argue they can be shot down, but Ito is the exception, TorM1 cannot if its within a certain range because of how it launches, has a window of no guidance/no in line with the sight so can be harder to hit these if they come in from other directions or at someone else. and god help the Rolands…

Anyone who is defending this missile has brain rot end of.