Chaos in the Skies: The Devastating Impact of the Su-25SM3 in War Thunder

9.3-9.7 lineup perpetually rides in 10.3 premium hellhole anyway, so might as well have SPAA there.

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Only to start facing 11.0-11.3…

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nah clearly an excellent demonstration of Quantum Superposition
Or Schrodinger’s Cat

Can’t know if the missile exists until its effects are observed


Schrodinger’s Long Range Air-to-Surface Missile


Welp, who said science experiments aren’t dangerous ? X)


It’s because you just hate USSR players because ‘‘muhh ruZZians’’ and want the best for your nation

Why I hate using the forums. I’ve been called an “unethical person” for playing USSR.

I just like the tanks 🤷

Sweden is way better, anyways, but not as fun.

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Quite a lot of people were complaining at the time, and rightfully so

While doing CAS with a f-16 (or any plane equipped with long range missiles) is “finger in the nose” style gameplay, saying they are playing without opposition is quite false : they still have to get inside pantsir’s range. SU25SM3 does not need to get in any enemy SPAA range, since the max range AA they can meet are ITO90M, FlaRakRad and TOR M1, all capped at 12km.

depends what you mean by countered.


Spaa in question is only found in the soviet tree. Flakradbus is the worst piece of garbage and it has to face the most on top. Since Germany doesn’t have good cas or a-a


i’d say even a pantsir can’t seriously threaten a SU25M3, if the pilot is patient enough

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pretty much. also the sm3 wont be alone, there will almost always be another horde of ka50/52 and sometimes even f16c on the same team. pansir makes it harder for enemy fighters to counter cas


Don’t worry guys i know exactly how to fix this


9M83 S-300V, range of about ~75km against low flying targets, or 25km if they’re basically in space

I have a feeling the su25sm3 won’t be bothered by this at all, just a hunch, can’t exactly say why

Well russia would have to be on both teams, but that’s just a nonissue if everyone simply plays russia /s

it was more of a joke answer to the pantsir vs su25SM3 reply lol


Will never be added because the window-lickers in the USSR tech tree require a gun equipped SPAA or how else will their best in class SPAA double as a TD.

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said noone ever

also look at strela

For which M413 is adequate-ish. Just as you were aiming for weakspots to begin with, so you will continue aiming for them. Just as Merkavas were cardboard at 9.3, so they will be at 11.3, nothing really changes.

They lack mobility, sight magnification, (armor at their own tier honestly), rand reload rate to be even remotely competitive.

Oh yes, that’s why the USSR didn’t get the Pantsir and received the Tor like they should have. Oh wait…


TOR was one of the worst SAM SPAAs before Pantsir introduction. Slowest SAM at top tier with only 18g and no thermals was a recipe for disaster.