Chaos in the Skies: The Devastating Impact of the Su-25SM3 in War Thunder

hmmm ye like everyone in pantsir does to defend from gbus mavericks etc is it a waste of missile if you can survive thanks to it same was done while tunguska was top soviet spaa so ye wasting missiles dude roadmap has even planned rewards for shooting down munition its not a waste

Same principle applies to a enemy F-16/Gripen firing their 4/6 Mavericks at your team from 10/12km.

Everything you say is beyond pathetic in terms of being an argument

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The only problem I have with the new Frogroot: IMO Usually it’s USSR & GER on the other team so they have two of the best SPAA, arguably.

ITO-90M is better then Flarakrad.


The ITO gets more ammo to fire at once, FlaRakRad has to reload, but the latter gets smokes grenades which are very useful.

Not really.

Got both vehicles spaded and i can tell ITO is much better when it comes to delf defence.

ITO has:

Better thermals
More missiles ready to fire
Smaller Size

Having one niche advantage thats not even useful most of the time is not something good when you’re using an Spaa.


smokes are life saving if used properly

Results are clear.

ITO has more advantages over Flarakrad.

İf you prefer Flarak over ITO then its your personal preference but that doesnt mean its actıally better then ITO.


i guess kh-38ml got maverick treatment had 3 deal completley 0 dmg against tanks

My Kh-38Mt’s working perfectly fine.

Whats wrong?


That a skill issue their they are HE based. Instead of heat so they the are very good at killing tanks

ITO also has a better radar, it’s “blind spot” is narrower

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İsnt that only difference is seeker?

Cause last time i checked both missiles were practically identical in every category except guidance method.

Idk good question they got the target and did no damage nothing

Do you have any recording or replay?

İt would be really helpful to see whats causing the issue.

Ye wait sec turning PC on


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