Challenger 3 (Technology Demonstrator) discussion

The model is a 95& c&p of cr2. Yes it is

Thought so, but wishful thinking.

Really don’t get why they hate the challies so much.


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Excellent, thank you! ^^

I know visual/cosmetic things are normally considered unimportant, but I think they are kinda important to transmit accurate/correct “feelings” hahah


So the CR3 (P) currently has a 4.0 multiplier when reloading from the hull ammo stowage, which means the base/aced reload goes from 7.8/6s to 31.2/24s…

Trying in test drive (with time stamps from a recording) and normal reload takes ~8s, waiting for the ready rack takes ~28s (first stage replenishment took ~17s, then +4s delay and +7.8s reload), and loading from the hull takes ~31s. Keeping a round in the breech, waiting for first stage to replenish, and then loading from there is somehow faster than loading straight from the hull rack.

Another possible avenue for having CR3(P)’s weight reduced - promo material is comparing to the CR2s weight of 64t, which is shown above as the combat weight. The training weight, which is used in-game, is listed as 62.5t. Assuming the weight of a full ammo load is unchanged we could take 1.5t off the CR3’s weight, bringing it down to 64.5t including the new turret and the armour improvements

armor is not improved and turret did not increase the weight, as by official statement

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Dam first the PSO and now the Chally 3 Gaijin really doesn’t like nice demonstration camos
Anti slipping surface are camo thing so most likely they wont be added
Presentation camo is also a no

you guys probably already know but stock darts have been applied to all rank 8 MBTs

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Yea, a step in good direction. Now to rank 7

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Ok i was wrong
Smin himself looked at the report, a rare but pleasant surprise.


Oh, cool!

Nah it’s important. Fully with you on this.

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Hehe, yay!

Indeed, visuals are still important in a way, when it comes to “feeling” like each vehicle is the vehicle it’s meant to depict indeed.

So the higher the accuracy, the better!

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That’s the massive problem with these sorts of newer/prototype vehicles though…

It’s harder to stick historical decals on them!

Guys, I am curious:

Does anyone have any sources regarding Challenger 2-3P’s armor?

520mm KE (which somehow ingame is more like 500-540 depending on whether it’s the right or left side and the specific variant) seems kinda low, but I have no sources to back this up.

Are these values actually correct, or is a bug report in order?

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It’s a tech demonstrator it’s CR3 parts strapped to a CR2 hull and turret for demonstrative purposes and advertisement. It’s not even a prototype as the prototype hasn’t actually been revealed yet

Could try reading through all the comments in


been a lot of discussions regarding the CR2s armour, might have the info you are looking for

I know, that’s why I was asking about CR2’s armor, since this tank’s is the same

(Well, the turret has higher angles on the cheeks, both horizontally and vertically, so that should make it more effective even if sharing materials and general scheme)

(At least once they fix it. Right now it has a copy-pasted CR2’s armor model that doesn’t correspond the 3D model.)