Challenger 3 MBT - Technical Data and Discussion

I mean it wouldn’t be a “new” tank per say, because you’d be using the existing turret design

Unless MoD just loses their sanity overnight.

Exactly my point. So would they just hope the turret keeps doing its job well and bung a new powerpack in or just build/design a new type of hull and same type of turrets if they wanted to build more tanks?

I mean I’m no procurement expert but if they’re in a rush they could reacquire some Jordanian CR1s and use those, rather than making them from scratch?

I imagine they’d also want logistics as simple as possible so depending on the number required they probably would make new CR hulls rather than changing the design.

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Mfw Vickers acquires toothless Leopard 2 hulls and suggests them to the British Army with their own homemade turret to spice up the offer. However, since Chally 1 is a thing by then, the Army declines… so Vickers offers it to troublesome regions & nations (Egypt & UAE + the rest of ME) that Germany had sanctioned. KMW complies with the Goverment’s demands and forces Vickers to withdraw its offers since per the German Export Law, they were now illegal.

“Afraid of competition”, lol.


mfw vickers mk7 was a great tank and it was axed because germany tighten their export laws



Curse the Germans


Well, new BR/balance changes are coming and this wasn’t considered…

Shame. Guess the suppossedly best British MBT in the game will continue to feel like a downgrade compared to its two previous vehicles for some more time…

It also continues to have the wrong turret damage model.


The power compartment is still unchanged.

One of the people involved in the Challenger 3’s development said on twitter that the turret can fit onto a T72/T90 chassis as well as the Leopard 2 chassis.

I assume it therefore has quite a universally sized turret ring which could give them a lot of options for fitting it onto new hulls if they chose to do so

This is expected.

Challenger 3 model posted by Grant Shapps


That’s interesting, it’s got even more armour on it than the latest prototype images

huh, looks like additional plates on the turret face and sides, with a sensor mount top left and right, nifty
Is the CR3 getting LWS? cause those look like LWS sensors to me

Well its getting APS, so a LWS is gonna come with that surely. I don’t know for sure though.


The extra plates aren’t too surprising, the first images of P1 didn’t have the turret roof armour, and you can see that where the studs were above the mantlet/breech translated to the additional roof plate we see on P2 that extends down towards the mantlet. Nice to have confirmation though

Looks like even more UFP addons too. On the model there’s a cut out for the drivers cameras, which does not appear on the prototypes we’ve seen

Is it actually confirmed getting APS? Cause I’m not seeing any APS on it. I think I can see the LWS on it but again, no APS. Is the MOD really skimping out on it? After Ukraine has proved it really needs to be something a modern MBT needs. Is it also getting a 1500hp upgrade or are we still having the same shitty engine.

Trophy won the contract for CR3’s APS and the process is ongoing:

Engine changes are still up in the air afaik

I believe the plan was to make all CR3s compatible with APS, but buy less APS sets than tanks and only give out the APS kits when needed.