Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion

Ah, I couldn’t read the ID. I should’ve probably seen that it says Oct 88 in the bottom though haha.

Is there any info about hull spall liners for the CR2 or any spall liners for CR1/Vickers mk.7?

Theyve been radio silent ever since the “remodel”. I’m expecting nothing Intentionally for the Challengers going forward.

To be fair, there is nothing they can say.

Something seriously fucky happened to the ch2 rework, I doubt they want to talk about it.


There is a report

I’ve made a suggestion post for actual working Barracuda MCS, just waiting for approval of the post (gotta love how long it takes for a suggestion post to be approved…) here’s a pic of a Chally 2 with Barracuda MCS in thermals:


Doesnt matter, cant be that hard to add a spall liner to the lower plate. :/

I asked the tank museum but they haven’t gotten back to me, however there is photo of what looks like a lining inside the mk7s turret but no paperwork to confirm yet

Im sure every CR2 enjoyer would be more then happy to have Barracude as Britain top tier “Gimmick” for the CR2s.

As is currently stands, CR2s offer no interesting dynamic compared to other MBTs and gets outclassed completely.

Having essentially a black thermal signature would be great passive mechanic that could be expanded on in newer tanks that could get added.

Other Vehicles with MCS/Lower thermal signature

  • T-90M
  • Leopard 2s
  • Strfs
  • Abrams

I’m sure there are other MBTs that have tried SAAB’s Barracuda but these are the only ones I have actively seen pictures of.

Will definitely support this suggestion.


The suggestion includes all vehicles in WT that I know have tested/use Barracuda with their WT nation, this includes strv121/122, CV9040/120, M1A2 SEP/SEP V2/AIM, Leopard 2A6/7, and Challenger 2. I’ll let you know when its posted though :)

Knowing Gaijin, they’ll say Britain never used it, but give it to all other nations, even if it was only considered

They have it on 3 chally 2’s in-game already, it just doesnt do anything atm…

Sweden will be the first to get Barracuda. Why?

Because they have the most vehicles that can mount it.

Gaijin will look at Britain and say “Only 3 Challengers have it, but Sweden has like 6 vehicles that can mount it so…”

Sweden is Gaijin’s current love child and no one plays Britain so CR2 can’t be the first to get it.

It’ll also be a “balancing decision” and htey’ll conclude the chally doesnt need the buff

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“Our data shows with the recent mantlet buff the CR2 got, they are over performing substantially and so our decision to add Barracuda will be moved to Sweden. We Believe that Sweden benefits more from MCS then Challengers will.”


I love the l27a1 dart.


round goes down the barrel, which under most circumstances would be catastrophic damage to barrel and probably breech, not to mention the enemy is not loaded, so the breech is probably open which means the round would probably have fragmented and caused internal fires

yelloh barrel


Feels almost like they artificially increase Russian tank breaches and barrels hit points 🧐.


They used to, but got caught. Now all barrels/breaches have the same HP.

CR2 vs Obj292:



Laser pig challenger 2 video dropped :

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