Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion (Part 1)

How so? Challenger hulls are British lmao
The Turret is literally a private venture built by Rheinmetall, and iirc Challenger 2 had 130mm test fitted to the turret anyway.

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R&R thread where British Mains create echo chambers demanding for Leopard 2s cause “Chally 2 bad”? You’re acting as if the select few German mains claiming 130mm Chally for Germany due to technological ties that the vehicle has with Rheinmetall (a German company) is somehow a much bigger deal than people unironically demanding Leopard 2A6Ms that have got nothing to do with the British.

Textbook example of pot calling kettle black.

About 2 people are asking for it in the UK tree, other people are arguing why it could come to the UK. The 2 actually arguing for it to come to the UK are actually Canadian as well.


@FurinaBestArchon so? Where is the source?


What, so you’re actually taking the 2 people who are doing that seriously? not to mention one of them is probably doing it just to see the Germans cry harder (which is hilarious imo, look where we are now, we have people like the above trying to get a Challenger in a German tree)

dunno if you’ve heard of this thing, it’s called a multinational company.

by your (daft) logic that means the Americans get a claim to Ajax because the company that made it has the words “General Dynamics” in its name

All I can hear is a whole lot of copium.
Might I suggest you get outta here before you make yourself look like a complete circus as opposed to the clown you are right now


Where they’re from is completely irrelevant, the amount of people asking for it is in itself also not important.

I’m looking for the source.

You’re taking what Godvana’s doing at face value? Alright that’s quite funny since to my knowledge he’s doing that only to see British mains piss themselves. Seems like it worked out quite well tbh (n fact he only started doing it as a response to y’all demands for Leopard 2s).

by your (daft) logic that means the Americans get a claim to Ajax because the company that made it has the words “General Dynamics” in its name

You’re just answering criticism with criticism now lmao. Man, British mains are just the best - all it takes to rail y’all up is a single counter-argument that isn’t even good, but you will go into a frenzy anyways.

All I can hear is a whole lot of copium. Might I suggest you get outta here before you make yourself look like a complete circus as opposed to the clown you are right now


Well it seems to matter when ‘select few German mains’ want a Cr2

So you quoted something without a source, I think that is called making it up


Are you doubly sure? Because to my knowledge he’s just stupid lmao

You should see the Germans when it comes to air. God that’s funny.

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I’ve only seen Godvana “ask for it”, and thanks to a funny concept called insider knowledge I know that he’s baiting you people.

So you quoted something without a source, I think that is called making it up

Call it whatever you want idrc, I can have quotes at a ready even if the source isn’t at a hand’s reach, but honestly I no longer feel obliged to provide you with it due to your baseless hostility, I suggest curbing your anger next time o7

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Name calling now?


What’s the point of baiting when it’ll make people upset

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Making a full suggestions seems like an awful lot of effort for bait.

You have the quotes but not the sources… might want to amend that so people don’t say you are making things up. I don’t think I’m being hostile at all, just saying provide sources.


Arguing on the forums is just stupid, it really doesn’t matter if its bait or not though, if people don’t agree they will make their opinion heard. But again for bait this seems like a lot of effort, and again baiting people who arent even arguing that the 2A4M should be in the UK tree, rather people who just say it could.


Here’s the source.

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As I said to Godvana, suggestions are up for it to come to both countries, gaijin will decide where it goes. It wont come for a long time, especially after what they did with the Cr3TD


Where in this paragraph says it, that there is a official requirement from Germany for a new tank with a 130mm gun?
You do realize that the article discouses what the next Tank could be right? It isn’t even sure on the Naming, if it’s Leo 3, MGCS, Leo 2AX, Leo 2A8 that’s how unsure we are to this date so no, there is no official requirement.

“Einen solchen Kampfpanzer dann noch Leopard 2 A9, A10, oder Leopard 2+ zu nennen, wäre dann genauso konsequent, als hätte man zur Einführung des Leopard 2 diesem den Namen Leopard 1+ verpasst. So etwas würde, wenn überhaupt, dann aus politischen Gründen geschehen. Faktisch wäre ein solcher Kampfpanzer ein Leopard 3, wenn man denn die eingeschlagene Raubkatzenbenennung weiterführen will.”

Leopard 3 again remains a private venture by Rheinmetall until ordered or officially examined by WTD der Bundeswehr.
Also maybe post a source to your quotes, makes it better to follow

There is a difference between intend and actual requirements. You can intend what you want but the fact is
“Da die Einigung politisch gewollt war, wurde ein Kompromiss formuliert, der besagt, dass beide Varianten der Bewaffnung fertigentwickelt werden und im Anschluss gegeneinander getestet werden sollen, bevor eine Entscheidung gefällt wird. Ein eindeutiger Beleg dafür, dass eine Entscheidung im hier und jetzt gescheut und auf die Zukunft vertagt wurde.”
Kampfpanzer der Zukunft – Leopard 3 im Anmarsch?


Haha, why don’t you argue with Italy and Sweden about the Hungarian leopard 2A7HU KF51-120 Finnish leopard 2A6NL Norwegian leopard 2A8NOR Danish leopard 2A7DK should not join?
Is it because British tree players are easy to bully?

Italy will get the 2A8 and the 2A7HU.
Sweden will get the Finnish and Norwegian Leopards.
Denmark’s Leopards could go to Germany, but I see the danish sub tree being put into sweden to keep the nordic countries together.


Yes the project exists officially. What does not exist official are the specs and requirements.

That is the entire point of the article, it makes an educated GUESS. It also is entirely possible that the BMVg stays with L55A1 to keep costs down as non sensible this would be.

So again no official requirement just educated guesses by a media outlet.

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