Russian bias? What? Leopard 2 BIAS!

nerf the ariete i just nonpen’d the turret cheek with my PUMA!

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You don’t shoot at those angles in the game, as the leopard is one of the tallest tanks in the game. You shoot at it either standing below it (Russian tanks and other low-height vehicles), or being on its level. And this is a completely different defense and many times less kill zone

Well, well, well. Until the leopard 2 PSO or the 2A7, every single other version gets EASILY one shot at least 8 out of 10 times. As an URSS player you can’t just come here now and complain about germany getting a tank that is not easy to kill frontally (as in real life) when you’ve been constantly getting unkillable tanks from rank V onwards.
Are you saying that the 2A7 has a frontally unpenetrable turret? Well, that should sound familiar to you being a russian main.
Are you saying that the 2A7 has a frontally unpenetrable front plate? Well, i bet that sounds familiar to you as well, given you are an URSS main!
The way to kill the 2A7 frontally is shooting at the lowest part of the lower plate, so basically as it is against russian MBTs. Case closed.

T-55/T-10M/T-62/T-64a/T-72a’s like, “we’re kind of unkillable, right?”

I’m pretty sure you don’t play anything but Germans

“Just aim for weak spots bro!”


I can do u one better

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Russian bias

I do find it hilarious how all of the hate directed towards the BVM has now flipped over to the 2A7V, just ironic that this time the 2A7 is proportionately far less OP than the BVM in it’s prime since it has 3-5 equals in different trees that give a chance for both teams to have a top tier Leopard instead of the previous Russian team dominance for years, now it is unfortunate that other Nato MBTs are so undermodelled, a factor that is really not giving me any motivation to stock grind my Arietes or Challenger 2 but it is only fair that the Leopards have some time to shine after years of being the next best thing.


Which are copies of this same Leopard2A7. Cool

No, 1 copy and 3 improved 2a5s, just reflects the status of best MBT in the world in it’s role in wt

plus in terms of frontal armour the T-90M matches the 2A7 pretty well, just lack elsewhere

People hasn’t flagged this topic already?

A 70ton MBT has better armour than a 40ton one. Who would’ve thought? More at 11AM.

Just with the fact that the 2A7 is (sufffering) from Bad Coding and model//Armor issues

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629mm of penetration isn’t bad, but considering the vehicle is significantly more vulnerable than the Leopards, it should get a better shell.

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It technicly has the best shell fired out of a 120mm L44 gun


Skærmbillede 2024-07-15 134821

That’s fair, but the Abrams is suffering. With how easy it is to kill compared to a Leopard, it should make up for that in some way, but it currently doesn’t.

Sure, a 5 second reload is nice, but you’re still extremely sluggish.

Personally, I believe giving the vehicle 3 upgrades could fix this.

Firstly, give the crew a flak vest upgrade since they use them IRL.

Secondly, give the vehicle M829A3 since it has an Anti-ERA tip rated to counter Contakt-5 flawlessly.

Thirdly, give the vehicle a prototype DU package for the hull as an upgrade in the modifications tree similarly to how the T-80B has a prototype Thermals upgrade.

Also, top tier needs decompressed ASAP. The 2A5 and 2A7 should not be the same BR. 13.0 would help a lot and allow vehicles to be significantly upgraded in protection and armament across the board.

You sure about this? Acording to this:
the Leopard 1 only has winrate of 40%.

The T-55 is at 56%

Therefore the majority of players are rather losing matches with the Leopard 1. If so many player experience this, is this really a skill issue? Is this game not balanced for the average player but for the hardcore players?

Interesting site:

For the coolest BR in game (~10.3):
T80B - 52%
Turms 47%
Leo2s - ~52%
Abrams - 55%
KVT - 57%

Simple reason …
T55 is in constant downtiers
Leo 1 in constant uptiers like all other Germans from 2.0 to 10.0