Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion (Part 1)

its something thats tried to be proven numerous times, the 9s full 360 degree traverse is under the “war power” or something of that nature and gaijin is using the peacetime 12s full 360 degree traverse


I wanted to add a custom sight to my chally 3, but something is wrong

ah yes this “wartime setting” nonsense

we proved this was a thing with Tornado, they delibrately set power settings on mechanical assets lower than actually possible for ease of maintenance, life extension, etc etc


yeah I must have been thinking of another MBT, maybe if players throw hard enough Challenged 2/3 can get buffed to 40/40 like glorious motherland MBTs running around with their max stabiliser limits

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true, its laughable that the T90M is running around with its 40 degree/second traverse while NATO MBTs are struggling with bullshit excuses like “peacetime settings”, i do believe tho that the T90M might genuinly have this improved 40 degree/second traverse from footage tho

No mention of CR2 :(

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spall lining is on the way

No mention of CR2 though

Note no timeframes or anything.

They are game changing, if they’re not ready for everyone, then they shouldn’t be put in just some tanks.


yes there is? this major or in one of the weekly updates after

it should be included after this report with more info

I was more referring to the tanks which aren’t mentioned.

oh right, im sure more will be added

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its been reported dw, same for warrior

In before they go doesn’t provide protection figure so denied

I wonder if Cr2 spall liners will go anywhere

Well im in a picke. I tried hard to find some 2H 2I equipped Challys, but all i can find have the 40mm plate, so i wont be able to prove it