Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion (Part 1)

Ammo was always a ballancing choice. I guess something changed in those 15h?


yep, maybe we should create another issue

Maybe, so a DM73 for Cr3 it is

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But think of the balance as a T90M tanks your DM53 from the side


Frankly lads, move on, the only way we can argue for DM73 is as a placeholder for planned DM83, but this tank will never use this round, it has only ever used DM63A1, whose performance will actually be a tad lower than DM53 due to the velocity. DM73 only offers about 10-15mm extra pen, it’s really not worth crying about.

My brother the gun it has can fire DM73 it a prototype they can make it use the round developed for the gun if gajin want to

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Suggestion reports can be made for new ammo. That’s absolutely fine. This report however was claiming the current loadout was incorrect (which it isn’t as it’s a balance choice) and had only one invalid source.

Providing the report is properly a suggestion and has valid sources, it’s entirely fine to make suggestions.


So DM73 for CR3(P) unlikely as for balance
Good to know if it perfoms badly their is a way to balance it

then again i dont think it was the fact it had the Mk105s that was the problem (some ECRs got it, iirc the IDS didn’t, which was an issue). it was that the Germany got the 105, Italy the 103, and Britain the 101… for some reason

and yes, it does actually make a bit of difference. that said the Brit one was handicapped at Mach 1.13, but the Europeans were able to get to Mach 1.20… despite being the exact same airframe

might be. depends how good your MP is at responding.

Ok, now a question to yall. Who should i bother to get better resaults about 2019 Cr2, Rheinmetall or BAE?

BAE would be better i think

You got something on that? Because for me, it looks like they sit just fine


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bad news
same reload as leopard 2

Ngl I’d take L27 if it means having a 5 sec ace reload over DM53


nvm reload what are those targeting speeds

are you insane?

Thats just the Challengers Challenged Targeting speeds its always like that, this is spaded

It has a laser warning like the black night

Better, but don’t all current Challenger 2s have >30deg/sec horizontal speeds?

edit: wiki says 31 i’m drunk