Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion (Part 1)

it should do, we have more than enough info now


ahhh i get what they mean, so they are saying the bit at the back that makes it look thicker is also a dust shield

It’s laughable that they modelled the plates on the turret sides as structural steel lmaoooo

i mean, thats what they are, weight plates for a planned era kit most likely using aspro like on the hull…

Yea, they say that thicc part is the cover
Even tho the 200 block is attached to it

I dont know any more if the plate is 40,65, 100,110 or whatever else the value is

Might be able to re-jig the report for cr1/2 side armour because it’s protection offered was 60mm KE and 300mm CE


-Russian ERA mountings on the hull: High hardness rolled armour.
-NATO ERA mountings: Structural steel.


Decided to look for it just for the sake of looking for it to calm myself, well knowing i will find nothing. And i was not dissapointed. I found a whole 0

might want to update your bug list btw

@Fireball_2020 you want to add to your report the Cr3 plate?

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Chally wet dream
HAAIP in action

will probably be short lived icl, i’d probably sleep better at night with it being 1217hp, 62.5 tonnes, and having improved traverse(and of course spall liner).

Yea, but as we know with who are we dealing it, you will get 1217, 66t and no spall liner. traverse is a myth.


icl i kinda need some unlucky person to email Curtiss wright and ask about the traverse speed of their max mass gear. (i cba xD).

Whover does it will get the. Uhhhh, no. Not tellin

Yeah… I’m debating whether to put any CR3 stuff on there, but this is a long list of posts to go through and update it. Sounds more like a job to do on my day off on Sunday

Well well, spall liner, no no no, noise damper