Does anyone have a good quality Cr3 roof photo? As these screws
Concern me, and maybe they are from the blow out
I think by “non-existent plate” Oshida means they couldn’t see it in the collision model?
“Good quality” is debatable
Ok, where we can see the roof clearly
I guess no
As if it needed to be weaker lmao
The composite value was higher than other CR2s, I imagine that with the RHA plates being fixed they lowered the composite modifier to get to their intended KE protection value
The reporter for forces news was in the commander’s position for part of their video on CR3’s announcement, I’ve got in touch asking if he noticed anything but I doubt I’ll hear back
Anyone can explain why there are gaps in the composite inerts on the CR2 cheeks?
Well, thats new… REPORT TIME
Because of this, every shell with 280mm+ pen can go through here without problems. I am also highly sceptical about the volumetric shenanigans on the base turret, look:
And to the artistical jewel of mine of the left, I forgot to mention that the game considers this part as 38mm flat, completly disregarding the remaining part of the armour behind it.
@Gunjob another day, another bug report. But now we have another armor hole.
Can you report that? I lost all enthusiasm to do so
That is simmilar but not the same. Another report to make
I was playing the challenger 2 e last night and it’s a good tank, the only thing that consistently let’s it down in comparison to everything else (except leclerc’s) is i was repeatedly 1 shot through the breach - _-
Again, this is not new and was reported years ago sadly.
Nope, im sure it was fine last update. It might have came back