Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion (Part 1)

I can’t find it now, but I’ve posted a clip of me having 3/4 starstreaks phase through a plane flying straight.

Yea, but the AH one pass less for some reason

Been playing it today and my god is UK bad I pretty much own everything up to the TES and honestly I don’t know how UK mains keep a straight face it’s a joke of a game to have a CR2 modelled this badly while Russian tanks are insane and can survive multiple penetrating hits over and over while IRL the T series tanks have more flight time than the entire Russian Airforce and can be beaten by old T-64’s it’s crazy.


Well, we got used to it over time. And Cr2 are not bad either. In most of my matches today i got at least 3 kills and in the last game of the day i played(Black night) i leaded the (russian in my team) steamroll and ended first with a big margin. All you do is keep calm and carry on.


If I’m not above 6 kills I consider it pretty bad as most games playing anything other than Russia don’t really count Russia as it’s brain dead gameplay I steam roll but my god are the challys slow and don’t survive shit

I dont play for stats, so i do not care. I survived suprising amount of things today. For example 12 pars to the head (also BN, it is my favourite of the Cr2s)

I don’t really either but for me 3 kills ain’t it but I will agree with you survived so many rockets I ate like 6 Vikhrs did nothing while my mate behind me got one tapped by one still wish the ERA blocks had it’s original 1800mm CE protection.

I expect to die after nonpenning BVM for x time before doing 3 kills

From my experience, it’s a 50/50 on hitreg but I’ll take 2 kills than go back and rearm than spawn spaa and maybe kill 1 if I’m lucky and get bombed from orbit immediately after

Most of us, despite having the CR2s, usually just go back and play no higher than 10.3, as that’s the sweet spot for ‘modern’-ish vehicles.

CR Mk.3, T90S Bhishma & Vickers Mk.7 are a good trio.
Supported with the CR.DS &/or Mk.2, Stormer, Marksman & Warrior.
Not forgetting the Lynx for those who take Helis.

My only wish for the 10.3 line is for the Stormer AD to be added, so I can take out the Stormer HVM & Marksman.


So a new plate, but composite got a little weaker. Well, the effect is the fix so not that bad

I suspect the 35mm RHA plate is the one around the ammorack.

So… the cheeks just got some random nerf for no reason at all. Welp….

Im going to check that, my wt is turning on

Time to look for something that has 35mm

Does anyone have a good quality Cr3 roof photo? As these screws
Concern me, and maybe they are from the blow out

I think by “non-existent plate” Oshida means they couldn’t see it in the collision model?


“Good quality” is debatable

Ok, where we can see the roof clearly