Centurion Mk1 is too Good for 6.0

Decent damage and centurion are two words that I didn’t think I would ever see. I already know you don’t play or have any British vehicles from this one sentence…. Sabot hardly pens due to shatter and does as much damage as a wet fart and solid shit is just less pen with only slightly more damage. It does not need to be 6.3.


I don’t use sabot for that reason- I use the same round that all the other 17lbers get. It works wonders.

No, solid shot is far from being a round worth taking, especially considering it’s on par with composite in terms of damage which is THE round no one uses due to how little damage it does. The centurion is good, but it doesn’t need an up tier, especially considering most panther vareints are better overall due to the more reliable armour and aphe round they pack. The only good thing about the cent is its overall effectiveness making it usable in most maps.

My comments come from the WIKI stats AND my actual in-game experience.

And posting a screen shot is hardly proof of anything.

Your statement that Vk is better than Panther D “in many ways” is just false. Admit it and move on.

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What do you guys use to back up the cent mk1 with. Btw cent cant take a shot to the face by a panther also cents side csrmour is so week even my gran can give it a kicking

Those are your stats, not mine XD, but I appreciate the honesty


That made me gigle he shatstained him self


Except I wasn’t TRYING to use to them to explain anything. You were and you failed.

You have yet to prove your statement. And why would you say I should play them when you already know I have? You constantly make false and deceiving statements.

Neither can take a shot to the face of the other. Both Tanks would Pen the other.

He was talking about Vk 3002… it’s side armour is 40mm sloped vs 51mm + 6mm skirts. Neither of the two is very useful, so suggesting Panther side armour is “better” is not true. Plus the Cent has the skirts which nullify HEAT rounds.

And read the original Post up top. Me-thinks you will disagree with the OP since he’s saying the Cent should GO UP in BR. LOL

LOL. I don’t have to “prove” anything to you. I gave my opinion on which of the tanks is better. Do with it what you will. The armor is good enough for me and I think the extra mobility on the VK Panther makes it better than the Panther D with its extra bit of armor.

I never said Panther side armor was any better than the centurion or the firefly. Side armor is a poor metric in War Thunder because even the M22 can (or could) shoot through the sides of MBTs. The Cent probably has the best side armor of the three and definitely has the best reverse speed which makes up for it.

True but I still consider the VK better thant the Panther D.

I rather take the extra mobility instead of relying that some vehicles can penetrate the UFP.
It still has better UFP armor than other mediums.

When you stay at range you probably won’t need the extra armor anyway, while the mobility helps to get into a position to use the gun. Since the traverse is bad having better mobility is a big advantage to negate it.

At least that’s my perception.


I didn’t reply to you about side armour. That was to someone else who commented Centurion side armour is garbage. So is the Panthers (and to a greater extent vk 3002) so the point made was moot.

But back to ORIGINAL topic - Centurion is fine at 6.0 and you are far in the minority on it being moved up.


Why not ask your Squadron Leader?

What does he think?

Yeah we guessed you might be.

I’d be interested to hear his case, but I don’t blindly listen to someone and I have my own opinion on things, obviously.

Yeah, I doubt he would join the forums, it is not a good place for a CC.

You are listening to other member’s opinions, however. Having a go from the other side is always advised, it often paints a different picture, from experience.

Don’t know what that’s supposed to mean. At 6.0 the only true counter to the Centurion Mk1 that the US has is the M36B2 with its HEAT rounds, and they get smacked by Centurions pretty easily in most circumstances, except in cases in which the Centurion is completely oblivious. The 76mm guns can theoretically pen the Centurion in places but in my games they are basically ineffective and you can have a lot of confidence in your armor. Against Panthers its a different story, although in my experience most German players rush shots and end up bouncing. Had a game yesterday where a Tiger II P bounced 4 shots back to back at close range.

Why did you not add 5.7 to your poll, shows your trying to force it up when you yourself have a 47% win rate using it


(american mains tend to not be awfully good)


Win rate is not a great metric, but it is especially bad for minor (less played) nations like Britain where there is only one Centurion in the entire team.