Cas spam in Ground RB ruins entire match

Then tell me what Gaijin’s income has to do with CAS.

They sell imaginary aircraft in binary form that can be used as close air support in a digital computer game.

You cant be that nieve to not know this. Why ask such a question?

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It can be said that in a gamemode where everyone talks about how powerfull air (cas/helis most) are, people are going to buy premium air vechicles in order to have fun.


CAS = close air support. This is where i believe 1 problem lies. For example bombing spawn is not a supporting action, its more like assassination

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So they create a combined arms game and sell premium content that is most useful in a combined gamemode? Sounds like they are basing their company’s wealth on the idea that players want to play combined and it seems to be working.

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Yiur just here for the argument with a narrow out look.

They also sell tanks, but they get spawn kiled by supporting vehicles that they can not defend them selfs against.

How would feel if your brought premium and bang your dead, bang your dead again, game over

Premium tanks bought without an appropriate lineup are usually spawned first. They should be far from the spawn by the time someone has gathered the SP for high tier CAS with significant payload. I have several of them and I haven’t had the issue of being unable to use them to grind so far.

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And then you have back ups that your given, 30 i belive, and you can buy more thsn 1 premium. And you never been killed by helicopter?

I’d suggest using one tank to grind out a balanced loadout before spending over 100$ on inflexibility.

Of course I have been killed by helicopters. I have even been killed by a first-spawn helicopter once or twice. I have shot down far more myself though. Even with the MG-3 on the German tanks.

You just muted your above statment.

Im not going to continue this discussion. Ill let someone else speak, ive said enough counters for 1 day

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Which one? The one where I said that you don’t meet CAS with significant loadouts immediately after spawning your first tank?

That is no contradiction to the statement that first spawn helis exist. They are incredibly weak, barely succesful and overall a waste of SP. Also, if they catch you in your spawn you spent an entire minute being stationary, or you have agreed to joining already ongoing battles, which I strongly advise against.

But ok, bail out of the conversation based on missing comprehension. o7

Get over your self, i have finished my WT break and am going back to playing there will be more on this topic when i log back in, but to the point it will be about something else, and i dont want the stament below spammed again

Great, have fun. Still first-spawn helis don’t kill you in your spawnzone, right as you spawn. ;)

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Every map, are you saying you cant be killed while at spawn?

Btw i never mentioned spawn

Dont go there your full of scutter, do not reply

If you get killed on your first spawn, while being in the spawn, it is only because you didn’t move.

If you die to a firstspawnheli and it is not an Ah.Mk.1, while you are in a light tank, then you did very bad. It’s that simple.

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Does this include shoe box size maps?

Of course, also:

^ Which is what started the latest discussion. ;)

Your just here for the conversation or argument, i want to move on

You twisted it into being the first spawn and are simply arguing over minor detail’s

There was not much twisting to be done. Who buys high/top tier premiums?

Those who don’t have the TT unlocked.

So when do they use them?

As their first spawn, what else should they use?