Cas spam in Ground RB ruins entire match

Do you really need me to work that out for you, do your own home work

So your argumentation reached a dead end? Thank you!

They dont have a shelf life, is a clue. You have not won because i wish to move on from your scutter

By the time, the player has reached that point in his TT, he should have a lineup available to him that allows him to spawn a proper response to the current match situation.

If i said what you just said what would your reply be?

That you are correct, unless you twist my words of course. ;)

This proves to me you are a pro-cas and some of your statments about your self above are just scutter

How so? If I say that I would agree to you, if say that what I say is true, I am automatically pro-CAS?

I fail to see any logic here.

Its very simple, have a think about it as i am sure you have been told all ready in replys to your statments you have made in this topic

No, it just doesn’t make any sense :D

There is no logic connection to any thing that was posted before.

I would suggest that you start reading from the beginning of this tread and this 1 also Why do CAS players so vocally oppose any suggestions

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I know my posts, thank you. ;)

And you still haven’t provided anything to back up your claim ;)

Find a post of mine that is pro-CAS and quote it

The evidence is above

If you can’t present anything it isn’t.

The original is above, i would only be able to duplicate it and thus would not be allowed to submit it

A quote of a post is not what is meant by “duplicate”.

You asked for evidence and i told you were to find it, a copy or a quote is not evidence and thus can not be submitted as evidence, we will just have to relesse the jury and close the case

You are making claims, so you have to back them up instead of posting a claim and telling others to search for the evidence.

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Case closed, shop shut

Yes, it is closed. You are making claims and can’t back them up, so now you try to run.

You made the claims, so it is your obligation to provide the evidence, which you have not done so far. You can’t ask others to prove your claims, just because you can’t find the evidence yourself.

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