Cas spam in Ground RB ruins entire match

But you use it anyway and constantly stick up for CAS hate

When was War Thunder ever advertised as anything else than an aircraft or combined arms game?

@Wishie7119 discredit: I asked for proof. Since when is asking for sources “discrediting”?

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The problem is no adjustment is going to satisfy both sides, thus more nerfs/buffs are going just to make more people angry and divide community.

Adding TO would allow a proper unnerf of all air weaponary and changing the current ground RB into proper combined mode.

Untill then, we will just sit in the same place for another 10 years.

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You not noticed Naval? That means ships in case you were not aware.

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Your asking for information that is privately owned and you know this, but in that wiki it dios state his net worth at 1 point of his career

Sure, I think, we came to an agreement in another topic on CAS (what a coincidence, huh? A topic, which this is a duplicate of) about providing single-military-branch modes and an additional EC-type combined mode with all vehicle classes.

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Drone age, but that is now nerfed usless. Your like to argue every statment made, like as if you are a gaijin employee

I think you see yourself as some kind of forum caped crusader working on Gaijins behalf(maybe you are) but you do nothing to address peoples frustration you just stand arrogantly dismissing the complaints and citing the old mantra of what War Thunder is and always was. Like Nero fiddling while Rome burned or the arrogant Romans pretending nothing was wrong as Rome collapsed.

Look about the forum. Lots of players united in a game ruined by CAS in some form or another. No point just attacking individuals.

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Drone Age was advertised by a trailer that showed two Su-25s ground pounding. It also shows an Mi-24 flying over tanks.

Sadly there are still people here who will actively oppose TO because they don’t like me or the whole ‘tank’ aspect of the game.

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And the rest

That was stated as a reason in another post (Not you by name but it was you lol) .Its pathetic and its distracting from the issue.

Helicopter battles was a flop, but they not tried TO battles in the true sence

As I said on multiple occasions, I am not opposed to the idea of TO, I even think that it would make the game more attractive to a lot of players, but I am appaled by the behaviour of many (not all of them), who are asking for it.

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I dont believe that stament ar all

More ammunition

And so we have all this when you actually agree ? What? Why? Personality based politics? Thats intelligent.

Exactly because of posts like this. Personal attacks again.

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That is just a lazy excuse.

If I were to care about what people say about me, I would not discuss things on this forum in first place.

You come out with stuff like

When all i did was say something, i never derailed anything

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