Cas spam in Ground RB ruins entire match

Those were events and many were unable to get Heavy tanks even once in game, due to lack of internet connection and processing to enter the game first,…

Of course, for ground units it was a disaster.

But for air units that need to be earned first? I don’t see a problem in that.

The bros would still be playing cs:go if the rules allow them to use orbital strike after having one kill or two kills assist.


Nobody wants it from you they want to hear it from Gaijin and I think they deserve to hear it and even discuss it as its the big elephant in the room now alongside maps.


Then you would have to go searching through the old QnA’s as that’s where they gave their answer to that question. They’ve also answered about maps in there too.

Not really ,I am not interested in the past only the present. The posts are still being made, they keep coming and CAS specificity at Top tier is getting unbearable Im told.


Unless, they changed their answer Gaijin won’t answer the same question again.

I dont know what the answer was ,can you find it ?

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This is latest post I could find answering about a TO mode.


look like teamwork issue.

This is fine and I’ve seen it before but 1/ its 4 years old. 2/ The question is still one of the biggest questions around and 3/ many simply don’t agree that the mix of CAS and ground is the best ,its even an issue creeping into arcade now and in the 4 years made top tier unbearable for many. I dont play top tier so don’t assume this is just about me.

I think every one of us asking for TO only are aware of Gaijins old stance on the matter and are looking at it differently 4 years later.


The thing is Gaijin stance hasn’t changed.

Gaijin stance have changed many times.

You can find their answears about many things that were changed over the years ;)


Yeah, except this one of the things made it clear they aren’t going to change their minds on. In fact they doing everything they can to make it easier to bring CAS into matches.

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They were set in stone over the RP issue until the review bomber flew overhead.


what percentage of tanks per game are destroyed by CAS ? 5 ?

tank only players never talk about the shitty Maps and ridiculous game mods …


too many obviously

Sorry but Gaijin have said many things and changed their minds so many times that saying:

‘But gaijin said they won’t do it’ is not reliable argument in discussion.


which is never, hence the point of the thread spam.



Are you serious ? We have had occasional games where there were no planes. Its what made me realize the game can not only work without CAS but even be a better game in many cases.
It is also proof that mechanicaly GRB does not rely on CAS to function.

As I have said and others have said CAS can spam a game into ruin or it can be fun. Some hate CAS, some love it, some are in between but many feel there is a need for a game free of it for a number of reasons.

Dont just wade in with a snide comment having read only a few sentences.