Cas spam in Ground RB ruins entire match

SPAA only game mode when

They wont close them all because its promoting the game because it is about CAS

Insulting surely will proof your point.

Except that was never the reason why Gaijin was against it.

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Except this one of the few things Gaijin has put their foot down on and made it clear they won’t budge on.

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It’s the only possible reason for not doing it I can think of and the only reason the anti TO people have given that is a possibility all the rest are desperate drivel.

Gaijin should do an event like the Severe Damage one where TO is an available mode for like a week. That way all the arguments for whether or not CAS is beneficial can actually be put to the test instead of speculating.


I agree and I also imagine that many of those who call for TO only may not even like it and many of those who cry about TO only may actually enjoy it and find they get more kills rather than less.

Are we grown ups here or kids? Does Gajin exist to give customers what they want and what there is obviously a demand for or are they an entity unlike every other company that sees demand and moves to fulfill it?

I literally told you the official answer from Gaijin why there is no TO mode.

Concerning how CAS event vehicles we’ve gotten, that should tell which customers are the majority. Besides that no business ever tries to cater to everyone needs. They’re going to cater to the needs of the majority.

i just wonder if the flybois have extensions on em crutches hehe


Daily reminder CAS needs to be gone from Ground RB.


There will simply never be a TO, because the guy who started Gaijin is a plane buff, i dont know if any of you played IL2 stermovik many years ago

There is a difference in wanting a mode for whole class (ground) and wanting a mode for single thing like heavies.

But replies like this show that there is no logical reason for TO to not be added


Would have made transition to GRB long time ago if it weren’t for CAS
I’ll stick to GAB, thank you where CAS isn’t as problematic (It is but in my eyes, not as nearly as in GRB)


And there is no logical reason against adding heavy only

There is, not enough vechicles for it.

I still don’t get why You are against TO if You are not even going to play it


Same thing as you :
During the battle, you are also able to choose an aircraft/helicopter from your own preselected line-up to spawn. Unlike ground Arcade battles, aircraft/helicopters spawned in ground Realistic battles can be controlled indefinitely, and various properties from air Realistic battles (i.e. limited fuel and ammunition) are also applied.

So you basically CAN’T limit the number of aircrafts available per teams,…

So why shoumd we make a change for that, and not for every other type of Vehicules present in game (Light tanks/SPG/Medium Tank/SPAAG/Heavy Tanks/SPAAM/Aircrafts[of 6 types including Helicopters(2)]

So,… the game allows any player to get what he wants currently,… why limiting only aircrafts, and not everything around?

I can’t see why a team should be composed by 90%heavy tanks+10% Medium tank vs 70% light tanks and 30% of auxiliary unit,…

See? If we start limiting one type, we should limit every types.

Agreed, CAS gameplay needs to be reworked asap. I dont mind playing with planes, i play all of 3 gamemodes on WT. But imho an overwealmgly amount of planes in a mode where it is supposed to be ground related battle, is simply unfair. cheers


After You die.

So again, nothing he can do if he is good enough to not die before other person spawns air.

You can, it was already done when WW2 chronicles were around to different units.

Because this is the only mode for ground forces while air can be used in different modes. This mode focuses on ground forces as name suggests.

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