CAS only mode (poll)

Your showing your age now 😆

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Mainly due to gaijin reducing it’s rewards to the point where just getting shot down in realistic gives you more RP/min than actively play heli pve

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Maybe a sort of PVE mode where you have to provide air support for ground units?

Aircraft EC, similar to the Helo EC, but in Sim Mode, Yes, please

And with proper rewards please.

We have Sim EC for aviation…

A PVE mode is probably the most likely for the future. Maybe the distant future but it sounded like Gaijin is open to it in a couple of their interviews.

It also allows for combined arms without the painstaking task of constantly balancing vehicles. There will still meta vehicles in PVE but non-meta vehicles could still be workable.

And if something truly is unbalanced than Gaijin could just adjust AI difficulty to make it fit. Its much easier to balance PVE than PVP, especially for combined arms.

There was that Moments of Valor trailer recently that showcased a Vanguard Class Sub and an Aircraft carrier and then hinted at “Operation Rattlesnake”.

-ive seen it argued that this could potentially be hinting at a PVE mode, especially since the scenario of countries teaming up to fight off some evil mega corporate mercenaries is a very safe scenario that wouldnt cause much political tension worldwide. I could be wrong but it seems like Gaijin is more open to a big PVE mode than Air RB EC for some reason.

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At the cost of being in SIMULATOR

You hit reply to the wrong person.
Everything you wrote does not address me, my statements, nor any action I’ve ever done.

The ONLY thing you got remotely close on…
-Spawn M-18 rush enemy & die.
-Spawn a fighter and kill enemy CAS for the rest of the match.

When I do that, it’s that. I’m the one killing the CAS that would otherwise bomb you & others, and you not only reply to the wrong person but push insults…
Maybe I should stop spawning fighters so the CAS has an easier time against you…

Air EC more like, i’d love to see this too, at least those dingus in prem Su-25 can actually have something to look forward for.

That is always the really funny thing people dont seem to realise when I see people saying “you should be limited to only 1 plane per match” surely that is a massive buff for CAS


no you’re not, you’re just an obtuse pro-BR compression waste of bytes.

cAs Is OnLy pRoBlEm wHeN tHeY SeE yOu

They literally have eagle eyes, they don’t even need to render on your screen to kill you, how the hell do you thnk anyone could be aware of that at all? spawn fighter? ridiculous. if that is a suggestion then I want ALL CAS player to stop playing Air RB because Air RB is a team deathmatch at this point with little focus on the goddamnd ground unit.

And I have better thing to do than play GRB to defend BVM like a vatnik.

I’ve been flying almost exclusively fighters rather than CAS in ground RB cause it’s better than SPAA and funner to kill CAS than to be the CAS.

Dude, you are far too aggressive. Especially toward the players that hunt CAS for fun.

I dont even have top tier SPAA unlocked yet and its gunna be a while before I do get it. Harrier Gr7 is my usual go to for CAP. So I slap some AGMs on there as well because why not, but i’ll fire off my Aim-9Ms first usually. Same for when I spawn in a Apache, I may have 16x Hellfires, but if there is an enemy heli, they’ll be my target first, not any ground targets (unless an SPAA is firing at me)

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You;re a pro-BR compression kind of sick dingus, you fought for it over a whole week or more when people literally shown a quick and effective effective BR decompression method. I’ve been there seeing you gaslighting people and twist and turning people argument for the sake of your stupid pro-BR Compression argument.

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What are you talking about?
I’ve exclusively argued for BR decompression.
You can’t gaslight me, I remember my own stances & my stances are still on the forum unchanged.
Me for the entirety of this year: “Decompression is necessary.”

Everyone that has come across my talks on compression & decompression on this forum knows I’m against compression, and for decompression.
Well everyone except you I guess.

no you don’t. I have a whole thread about you defending BR Compression like your whole family is centimeter away from acid vat, you’re literally defending it by both twisting and ignoring me and other pro-decompression folk arguments without any meaningful respond to them except “you’re wrong” and misinterpret every single of our argument even after we explained it to you with literal sixth grade vocab.

I know you, you’re not slick, you’re still a contrarian with nobody best interest in mind.

I apologize that this misunderstanding occurred.
I can only imagine I wrote my posts poorly to the point they were misunderstood by you.
I guarantee that they were pro-decompression, and against compression.

Contrarian means to argue for the sake of arguing; evidence of a contrarian is someone that changes their positions from day to day.
My position on compression & decompression has never changed since forming them.

Now I have a bug report to update.

You players talking about a PVE mode are just cutting your own throats. Free to play players are the AI. NPC are predictable, human players are not.

Hang on… How do you have a PvP CAS only mode? Is that not entirely and completely contradictory ideas?

Surely CAS vs CAS in PvP is just ARB. an EC RB gamemode would be good, but thats PvPvE and if that was limited to CAS only, I think a lot of people in fighters would be upset.

So you are either advocating for a “CAS Only” mode which would essentially be a plane version of Heli PvE EC. Or you are advocating for the addition of an ASB style RB EC which is PvPvE which would be vastly more playable for CAS aircraft like ASB is, but that should not be CAS only, many at top tier would prefer much larger map sizes.

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