CAS only mode (poll)


Thats literally what i said. Youre making up some what if scenario of a ground only mode that isolates CAS and SPAA that would then need their own mode.

I really don’t care. Now you’ve just devolved to arguing semantics. Because that’s what you are:


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No. Wtf how is this not clear? That doesn’t even make sense at a grammatical level, how would a “GROUND ONLY mode” have CAS in it, lol?

I will spell it out more clearly somehow I guess?

  • Step 1) Add a ground only mode. This part has nothing whatsoever to do with “isolating SPAA and CAS”, nor is it niche. This is something half the entire playerbase desperately wants, and is 100% worth developer time. This mode is, as the name implies, GROUND ONLY, and does NOT have any CAS in it.

  • Step 2) Without the developers lifting a finger from here on out, the tank mains and the SPG mains would on their own start to leave Ground RB, and move over to start playing in the Ground-only mode.

  • Step 3) Tell me: who does that leave remaining in the pre-existing Ground RB mode, which is not a new mode? Can you tell me the two types of players who would still be in the original Ground RB mode, if all the people who main tanks and SPGs left? Again, without the developers having lifted a finger to change anything about the rules or entry requirements of Ground RB

Lol. You’re justifying the meme…

Yeah i understand you… you aparently dont understand me.

The left alone ground mode would still need to be heavily altered to remove tanks and allow initial CAS spawn, so it would be a new mode…

Again its this multistep long what if scenario…

It’s not happening. If anything they’ll increase CAS spawn point cost in Ground RB to make it less prevalent.


No… it would not have to have one single line of code changed.

You COULD still physically spawn in in a tank, just nobody WOULD, because people who enjoyed tanks would all be over playing in the Ground-Only mode.

Whereas people who enjoyed SPAA, would be spawning into Ground RB, since that’s where the airplanes are to shoot at, and the people who enjoy CAS would be spawning into Ground RB, since that’s where the only ground players are to shoot at, and nobody else would CHOOSE to spawn into Ground RB.

Again its this multistep long what if scenario…

For developers, it’s 1 step. The other two “steps” are describing natural flows of players without any developer intervention.

Not one single line of code? Eh?

Riddle me this… in Ground RB, how do you spawn into a plane?

By gaining spawn points by killing ground targets… so how tf does the first plane spawn in?

C’mon. Ground RB would need to be altered. You’re just arguing for the sake of arguing.

This is a stupid.


So if I was a CAS main, I would spawn in a fast driving SPAA and try to get a cap zone right away, then J out as soon as possible. It makes more sense than a BT-5, because the tank mains all left to go play Ground-Only mode, so my main opposition is not going to be tanks (or at least not competent and heavy tanks).

My main opposition is going to be

  • other SPAAs (which SPAAs are great counters for)
  • airplanes (which SPAAs are great counters for)
  • and possibly some BT-5s and chaffees and pumas and BMPs and things from a few people who don’t agree with my strategy (which SPAAs are still great counters for, though)

If I get the SP I need for a plane, then great. If I don’t, then I’m appropriately equipped to deal with all of the most likely threats I will face until I DO get the SP I need.

You do know that most players actually play the game as intended, right?

The combined game mode would definitely not be devoid of people playing tanks properly.


There is zero reason to spawn into a game of Ground RB as a heavy tank main, when (in this scenario) a Ground-Only mode is available that is more fun in every way for you. So they simply wouldn’t choose to spawn into Ground RB anymore in that scenario.

The remaining people in Ground RB WOULD be trying and playing strategically. I just described why it’s strategic. I never said anything about people intentionally meme-ing or anything of the sort. this is just a natural logical progression of what would occur after a Ground-Only mode was added.

(The reason why this is all relevant to the thread is that it would mostly make the OP’s suggestion redundant. I think the suggestion is fine, on its own, but it would be very similar and slightly worse than what Ground RB would become naturally with a Ground-Only mode existing)


You’re trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. This is the kind of thing game designers try to avoid. Gaijin sure as hell isn’t going to do this.

You are talking about nuking one of the most played modes in War Thunder for this theoretical other mode that “everyone wants” just so you can have your other theoretical mode that very few want…

You’re too far down the rabbit hole.

Just play the current Ground RB… it’s pretty similar to what you’re suggesting.


This is the kind of thing game designers try to avoid. Gaijin sure as hell isn’t going to do this.

Do what? I was describing what players would do re: Ground RB, not what “Gaijin would do”, I even explicitly told you that Gaijin isn’t doing ANYTHING to Ground RB in this scenario multiple times. And then you blindly reply “Gaijin wouldn’t do this to Ground RB” Yeah. I know. That’s why I didn’t say Gaijin would do anything to Ground RB. Please read.

You are talking about nuking

No, I didn’t say anything about nuking anything, again I explicitly clarified multiple times that this doesn’t involve laying a single finger on Ground RB by the developers. “Literally not touching a mode” is not “nuking it”, the hell are you talking about?

One of the most played modes

No, it’s one of the least played modes, as proven above with hard data. <10% of players

This theoretical other mode [Ground-Only] that “everyone wants”

Read the front page of the forum you’re in, like 1/4 of all the threads are about wanting ground only mode, lol. But even if you think that’s wrong, so what? If you’re correct, then nobody would move out of Ground RB, and it wouldn’t be in any trouble in the first place. The only reason to even be worried about what I described is if you DO agree that everyone wants Ground Only mode. You can’t simultaneously think nobody would care, but also that everyone would care and abandon Ground RB.

Again. Stop.

You are making all these assumptions about future player actions, and about Gaijin creating this Ground Only mode, and about GRB being the least played mode…

Just stop. I know you’re committed to this idea. Ive been there before. It’s an addictive feeling to feel like you’re really onto something.

But this specific idea ain’t it.

Im sorry.

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No? I will not stop discussing ideas relevant to the topic in a discussion forum. If you’re uninterested, literally just leave and stop responding. Are you handcuffed to your keyboard? Blink 3 times if you need help.

What I’m describing is the simplest, easiest, most passive way to achieve a version of what OP is asking for, that is probably significantly more realistic than OP’s exact suggestion. Precisely because it does NOT involve developers doing anything intentional or special at all toward OP’s goal, unlike you are incorrectly describing it. And yet would indirectly pretty much lead to what OP wants anyway.

GRB being the least played mode

This one is objectively not an assumption, again it’s proven with hard data. (well, “one of the least”, because it is played more than naval or simulator or PVE modes. But all of those are < 1% of players, so that’s not saying much)

Ah yes. You must know best.

Please write another essay explaining how correct you are.


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Ah yes. You must know best.

When you are clearly still interested in the topic, and yet you are unable to refute the points without denying objective data or resorting to cartoon ad hominems, then yeah. Probably. Pretty much.

Please explain to me again how correct and all-knowing you are by talking in circles…

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I can’t help but notice you’re still here, and obviously still interested in the topic. If you want to discuss more, please refer back to where we left off with your last ACTUAL argument, which was:

Gaijin would never nuke one of the most played modes in War Thunder

  • But I never said one word about Gaijin nuking anything. I in fact said that in this scenario, they would “not lay one finger on Ground RB”, the exact opposite.

  • And it’s objectively 3.5x less popular than the other Ground mode, as well, so that was also a total fantasy.

Or I just mute you if you continue to prove instead you’re a troll and not interested in discussion on a discussion forum.

Omg you’re still doing it.

Im all good man. It isn’t going to happen and i don’t feel like saying the same shit over and over again

Good luck with your crusade. o7

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i don’t feel like saying the same shit over and over again

Why would you say the same shit over again when the shit you said the first time was a fantasy straw man, ignoring factual data to reply to an argument that was never made? Rhetorical question, as you have, like I suspected, confirmed being a troll. Cheers.

A_Cute_Chihuahua ,

-the all-knowing War Thunder CAS Game Mode expert:

Level: 78

Time in Attacker: 3 hours - mostly Arcade
Time in Bomber: 17 hours - mostly Arcade
Time in Fighter: 1 day, 2 hour - mostly arcade

Time in SPAA: 18 hours - mostly arcade
Time in Heavy Tank: 4 days - mostly arcade
Time in Tank Destroyer: 5 days - all arcade
Time in Tank: 15 days - all arcade

-15 days in a tank and you’re still not lvl 100?

I know why you want a new game mode. This shit ain’t workin out for you at all…

You don’t even have a total of 4 hours in an attack aircraft and yet you think you can go this hard in the paint on a CAS game mode?

Stop projecting with your “troll BS”.

A little life lesson,

Don’t be so cocky when you’re fairly new to something.

Many of us, who go deep on the forums, have been here far longer, with much more experience than you in this game.

Maybe listen a bit.


Assault is