CAS needs to be fixed

That being the case, wouldn’t the thermals of the Chally 2 (Pre-2019 variants) be Gen 1 (80s era TOGs)?

Its possible they may have recieved sniper or a later variant of the TIALD during the transition from the Gr1 to the Gr4. But even just upgrading the TIALD we have to Gen 2 would put it on par with the other Tornados. Considering the Gr1 also has Mk101 engines for “balancing reasons” even though it was 100% upgraded to Mk103 fairly early into its life. Is just insane.

It did not. The GR.4 swapped to LITENING TGP. There was no upgrade pre-GR.4

The GR.1 is currently the best of the Tornados for CAS thanks to it’s access to PGM-500/2000. Only the German Tornado has litening (i.e. Gen 2 thermals), the Italian one is similarly Gen 1 with the CLDP.

The TIALD is gen 1. Stop Complaining.

If you get killed by CAS, you should get to respawn in the same vehicle at no repair cost and reduced sp cost.

Side note: un-nerf the Roland 3 please.


No the SPRITE sensor is considered Gen2 in game. Only the TIALD is wrong in its current config.

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It would make CAS kills less punishing to the victim and their team.

In other words: useless

So what is the role of air in GRB that what he says would make it useless?

Too obvious an answer. Not sure how you cannot see/theorise the possible situation caused if that were a thing.

Why should CAS be less punishing than tanks? Do people come here, because they feel that the repair costs are injustified?

While we are at it, why don’t we just make all respawns free and remove repair costs alltogether?


Because when it comes to tanks, You always have a chance to do something about them.

Not the same when it comes to fighting the air.

So again, what is the role of air in GRB that what he says would make it useless? I have read many times, that “air” is needed because of “campers” and people having “too strong positions”. So that wouldn’t change even with what he proposed.

The role is to support ground units, either by damaging/destroying/marking enemy ground units or by fighting off air threats.

The destruction of enemy vehicles and a subsequent respawn reduce the enemy player’s SP, reducing his ability to further respawn and fight. By removing SP costs for a tank respawn after being killed by CAS, you weaken its role in “using up enemy vehicles”.

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But taking out the vechicle from its position is already enough support.

Again, the role doesn’t change,and what he proposed only levels the inbalance between air and ground.


It does. All it does in that case anymore is pushing the enemy closer towards their respawn zone.

Only if the enemy doesn’t have enough SP and can’t use the same vechicle again. The first is highly unlikely as even at the start if You spawn, You have enough SP for it.

So I should get the same benefits whenever somebody kills me in the Churchill Petard from more than 200m away?

Every topic people complain about CAS as if people can spawn in a plane with guided weapons right on the beggining of the match. Seems like they forgot that you need SP for that. CAS ia a reward for active playing the game: killing/capping points and so on. If you are mad that yu got CASed, remember: that guy did something to bring that plane. If you are mad, maybe playing as a “tatical sniper” isnt for you. “but the SP is too low”, ok, lets take that as a point: you can increase the SP cost, no problem, but people that play the game will still going for a “tatical camper” when they got killed. Is it frustrating to get bombed on your position? oh, how about killing that guy who was on a 5 killstreak, just because you are sitting behind a hill, or in a corner with the engine off? Yeah.


Again, against a tank You can always do something.

Against the air not so much

Didn’t we already have a talk about mortar like vechicles and planes?

The Churchill AVRE can’t do anything against a tank that is outside of its range.