CAS needs to be fixed

The Churchill AVRE can’t do anything against a tank that is outside of its range.

Of course he can, get closer or not take a path that allows for that

And a tank can take paths that are not entirely open (at least visually) to air threats.

Also nearly any tank can outrun the Churchill and thus foil its attempts to get closer.


There is no place in game that doesn’t allow plane to kill You.

Maps ends ;)

Again, take a path that doesn’t allow that

There are places that make it very hard to be spotted and there are places that are very hard to reach from the air.

That only works against stupid enemies. ;)
We should not have to rely on stupidity to turn a situation around.

Still doesn’t change that You can be killed without any issue.

*and what You say works against stupid enemies :)

That is why when playing a vehicle You should choose a proper path

The only bad thing I see with CAS are the fire and forget missles that should had not ben added to the game.

Truly ruined CAS players CAS time here lol Felt soo good.


Gaijin Entertainment - Single Sign On <–Replay
Screenshot 2024-08-27 230425


I am totally with him/her. Another idea I have is to make tracerrounds invisible for the enemy or at least limit the render distance to maybe 2km.