CAS deserve low br, not full-aspect missile

Those CAS plane (Su-25 & A-10) shouldn’t got the full aspect missile like AIM-9L and R60MK because this just broke the balance at this BR range, most plane at this BR range are still using the rear-aspect missile and most important many of them in this BR range still even didn’t have their flare. So, the best way for those CAS aircraft is treating them using the F-117 methods which is taking back their full aspect missile and replaced it with something like AIM-9P or AIM-9E and lower their Air BR to 9.0 - 9.3 so they can bomb the base to grind but also not breaking the balance of some BR.

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No, the balance can be kept while having all-aspect missiles. What should be done is giving all high-tier subsonic attack aircraft airspawn. This would allow them to get to the battlefield quickly and perform their intended strike roles for a limited time. Nerfing aircraft ahistorically, especially aircraft which are not at top tier, is something that Gaijin almost never does in balancing.


Bring proof that those missiles were ever fitted on the aircraft.

The balance can’t change without historical loadout, therefore A-10’s and Su-25’s have trouble.

But those aircraft should be higher no matter what.
They’re designed for missions under the highly protected air cover.

And not to kill anything air air wise.

I would rather give them variable BRs based on weapon mods - i.e. an A-10 with only its 30mm would be significantly lower then onr with AIM-9Ls.


Looks at A-10

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I dont think the a10 ever used them

For the a10, you shouldnt be bombing bases. It works wonders for ground pounding.

If you mean A-10 can be deployed under non-secure air space, it’s the same as just scrapping the airplane. A titanium bathtub flying at a stunning ~670 km/h wouldn’t be much worth the risk when you have zero secure of allied airplanes nearby.

The same applies to Su-25, you wouldn’t see it flying alone, sometimes it’s made in small groups or under heavy anti-air support, despites it’s capabilities, that also, go above ~670 km/h.

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Air-air weaponary were on the aircraft as Self-defence systems, and not offensives one.

An A-10 have no initiative air-air wise.

You can look at A-10 as many times as you want, it remains shitty to it’s real contemporaries:
F-16A up to block 20
F-16C up to block 30

And aircrafts from other nations.

They did say they were going to do this… but it’s 7 months since then without change, so it’s likely they abandoned this idea.

  • In tandem with this, the spawn points of these attackers will be moved closer to the main combat zone in Air Battles. This will help these aircraft carry out their primary ground attack role at a higher Battle Rating — giving them greater ability to perform despite coming up against stronger aircraft, potentially increasing or maintaining their current level of effectiveness.


Oh wait lmao I thought you were saying it could operate in contested airspace kek
I know it really is a shitbucket, though - but BRs should ideally be based on balance, and a non-missile armed A-10 would be fine at a low-ish BR.

Of course not,…
The A-10 with no Air-Air missiles would still be op with AGM able to track planes, at BR were all AGM available have no homing systems.

So basically would rip every planes for low amount of skill.

And you still need to check on Radius Turn of A-10 vs every low BR aircrafts → mostly in favor of A-10 in early turns

Again, lowering any A-10 is a just a dispalecemtn of the problem,… A-10 and Su-25 should be considered as Contemporaries of aircrafts from BR 12.3-13.0 and ve set at those BR (Earliest at 12.3, and Latest versions at 12.7,13.0)

That’s all.

A-10’s and Su-25 have every kits necessary to defensively deal with 12.3-13.0 aircrafts as able to choose a flight path being different, slower, but letting Fighters to enter the deal before them.

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That is honestly an extremely niche usage, to be honest - but I can see some BR adjustments being made because of it. Though - that shouldnt affect ARB much, only GRB.

Vampire outturns and is faster, though that is somewhat disingenuous given the Vamp’s poor accel. I genuinely see no reason why a A-10 without 9Ls should be at the same BR as far faster and better armed jets - yes, it may be a strike aircraft, but [If you look at strike aircraft speed across most BRs] strike aircraft tend to be at least semi-close to the speed of fighter aircraft. While it would be somewhat annoying, I would not paticularly mind facing an A-10A in my vamp [Assuming the A-10A was super downtiered and lacked ATGMs/Missiles]

The A-10 IS dead meat if in a contested air space with modern air defence.
It was created to kill tanks in the Fulda gap with CAP and SEAD, not attack heavily defended air space alone.

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Oh I know, I just misinterpreted the initial statement.


Or just keep them how they are now cause they’re fine.

I’d be fine with them getting a spawn on the forward airfield, or above said forward airfield. However, they MUST go up in BR due to their missiles. I’m getting real tired of being beamed by random AIM-9Ls when i have no countermeasures.

They’re not,… having superior weapon at a BR all aircrafts encountered doesn’t necessarly have Countermeasures, and in Community that lacks both the time investmement to learn and search for methods to counter those missiles.

Well A-10 and Su-25K are great at their BRs for air RB. IDK why people would have issues with them.

They’re already very easy to shoot down in most aircraft. Learning to counter every missile in Warthunder is simply a requirement for the game. Only issue I have with A-10 and Su-25 and that they’re put into toptier BVR maps.

They should get their forward airspawn or go back down in BR. Both were suppose to happen together but Gaijin moved the goalpost regarding the forward airspawn.

I don’t see a need for them to get any buffs. They already ruined 7.0-10.0, they don’t need to make it worse.