Can we stop throwing bones to air abusers in ground realistic?

Every round lower than BR 7.3 starts as TO.

But doesn’t stay that way. It’s an opportunity to experiment, something which is healthy and very needed in this community. Trying, rather than complaining.

If someone has no experience in a certain BR range but keeps talking about it it’s valid to check their stats to see if they have solid ground to base their opinion on.


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It’s not a mixed battle video game. “Ground” RB is a mixed gamemode.

warthunder cat

meanwhile when I look, Type 81 C, Strela, Type 93, ITO, Pantsir, M16, M42, SUB-I-II, Skink, Flacon, Bosvark, ADATS, Rolands, Ostwind, Zerstorer 45, Shilka, M247 etc… SPAA looking at CAS

Once again you’re trying to cherrypick the same tired thing when the description tells you it’s CA. You TO groupies always have reading comprehension issues. Always the same boring song and dance.

I am still waiting for anybody to post an example of these “bones” that are thrown at combined players.

Over 1000 posts and nothing…


Because they don’t actually have anything, let alone a cohesive argument.

Thing is you’re merely relying on that statcheck to dismiss anything they say on a forum where discussion and debate is supposed to be the goal.

Hence the gatekeeping, and the general gist of this statchecking being overall really ignorant to engagement.

Those who started and keep doing this know what they are doing, and it’s because it’s so easy to just write them off as trash or inexperienced, without taking on thier point.

That’s the issue with it.

You should do the same bro just like how CAS main asked tank mains to use fighter or gtfo of WT lol it is indeed very effective to write people off. To be honest, we all try to make each other look bad, given the same opportunity you would be doing the same if your opponent had something for you to attack, like a weakspot in a tank, of course you gonna shoot there since it’s effective, why bother aiming the ufp of the T-80 that you won’t pen right? come on we all fucking sucks if you want me to be real honest about it

Where have I told people that they’re just trash and that thier stats suck?

I’ve actually been telling people to actually try and not give up because they don’t need to actually get the kill, where-as everyone is fixated on getting the kill, end up dying, then moan about how bad it is that they can’t find good matches, teammates or that CAS is the reason for them dying so much.

What the actual heck is this tripe…

It is only a factor if you hold those stats too dear, or in much higher regard than others who play the game… Maybe you need to remeber, that it’s just a game, ad that your stats don’t mean squat, only to those who are number precious.

It is actually really stupid how petty it becomes.

Like, me personally, I don’t proclaim I am good, I just hand out encouragement and advice that people who are stat centric get all upset about.

And if the new players aren’t handed encouragement or even any form of advice, (because those who are stat centric don’t actually pay attention to what stage a player is at, when trying to ‘debate’ the ‘advice’ they disapprove of) they will struggle and decide that the game isn’t actually for them.

I’ve come across players who have played for years who don’t know about the ESP ‘Keen Vision’ ‘spotted by crew’ markers, or how simple things such as the actual sighting mechanics work.

It’s just so sad to see this ignorance compounded by statcheckers because they just want to be on top.

CAS can be overwhelming. I agree, I don’t blame those people hating on CAS. People just want to play tanks and not bring in SPAA or plane in a GRB which really hurts the team and it’s a selfish act. GRB should be played in a specific manner, but you don’t have to if you don’t want to, just don’t complain if you refuse to do so when tools to compete against a TEAM is given to us. Not a 1 v 1, team vs team.

  • Line ups are very important (5 slots - 1 plane, 1 SPAA, 3 tanks either Light, Medium, Heavy or whatever combo u like)
  • SPAA plays an extremely critical role
  • Supporting teammates
  • Take responsibility of your own actions/user error

Alternative plays which harms the team if perform badly/unlucky (selfish playstyles)

  • 1 tank 1 plane (youtubers do this for the sake of showcasing vehicles)
  • 1 tank to spade
  • premium spam
  • no SPAA in line ups to support the team
  • no fighter in line ups if refuse to use SPAA to support the team
  • Rage quitting and not even trying (weak minded kind of players, need a break from WT)

The old me from like years ago had a weak mind. I rage quit a lot, slammed the table when i died to CAS and when outplayed by a tanker (e.e embarrassing honestly) and didn’t want to learn. I would be all forward for TO without realizing I can just learn to counter instead and learn that there is a proper way to play GRB. I took a 1 year break, came back with a stronger mind set. I decided to learn and now Im actually having fun. Did the same with League of Legends, game is torture, now I just have fun and laugh at my own mistakes and improve from it.

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All You say is true and if there was a TO around, then current mode would be full of people just like You and how You describe.

The issue is that people who just like tank gameplay are forced into a mode with air thus problems occur.

That is why I have long time ago realised that You are not able to actually make combined mode good as gaijin is trying to make both sides (just tankers/air players) happy and by doing so it just makes a mess that no one is enjoying in a long term.

Gaijin tried to repair the situation with “One death leavers” by first changing the SP costs and now changing the repair costs, maybe the issue is somewhere else?


I don’t fight you, you just seem to support the abuse that some of those who are statchecking provide by trying to legitimise thier fixation on that one stat, compared to the wider point being made…

That’s why you seem to find an issue from me, because you play the fence.

This is absolute hogwash… I actually have my profile hidden for a reason, and I played without my nickname visible last month because I was investigating things and I didn’t want it to be obvious where I was sitting in matches.

How ignorant to the point that not everything could be about you…

You want to paint me out to be something which I’m not on the regular, yet you’re a real work of art… Reminiscent of that work of the guy who canned his own turd.

It’s funny that you try pull that distinctly responding to someone I’m conversing with, so you’re talking about some RANDOM other that’s not even here?

lol you’re a joke.

You know that he mentioned:

To which I was really replying to? You are not that important.

You’re not that skilled.

I have never said that I’m the best player here.

I know and I have played with/against many that are way above my lvl or anyone on this forum, which I have said a lot of times. Not to mention that I don’t even play as much as I used to due to work and master degree that I’m currently finishing working on (Bachelor of Engineering was much easier).