Can we stop throwing bones to air abusers in ground realistic?

Players were more careful (not necessarily more skilled) when SP costs were different prior to the 2017 change. At that time, aircraft were relatively cheaper than they are now…so I don’t think the focus on aircraft is warranted.

As for the FAB-5000…that thing is good for memes but its practicality is limited at best.

The problem with the FAB-5000 is that it is impractical: sure, it makes for some laughs to try wiping out the enemy team in one go…until you frag a bunch of yours too and are out of the match as a result.

Alternatively, even if you don’t wipe out your teammates, the FAB-5000 can still make for disappointment. You can drop the bomb on some M24 or whatever and snicker about how the bomb is bigger than he is…only to watch as DeezNuts420 (T-34) kills him…leaving your bomb meaningless and wasted. That’ll make for a fun thought as you RTB…

More often than not, you’ll be better served by a greater number of smaller bombs than the FAB-5000.


None cared unless some post starts provoking this kind of response lol, find the root cause and you will quickly see it has good reasoning.

We know nothing about how a TO game mode would go. Very few people have experience with TO (IIRC there was a mode once back in the day), which effectively means that all of these conversations are just speculations. Nothing can be said and done or taken as fact until the game mode is publicly released and tested.

That said, I would like to see a TO temp event implemented to see how it would function. I’d be lying if I didn’t say that I was not at least curious as to if it would change people’s minds at all (on either side).

In case people were wondering on the exact implemantation of TO, this is how I personally would go about it
1- TO would be introduced as a limited 2 week event. For the first week, it would have different SP costs based than Regular Ground- It would revert to the system of a heavy tank in a max uptier being 220, and minimum being 150, A medium being 160-110, a light being 150-100, a SPAAG being 90-50, and SPGs being 150-100. For the second week, it would have regular SP costs. It would be impossible to nuke in the game mode, and spawn planes or helis.
2- The gamemode would give out modified SL and RP rewards for the first week. Killing someone who has killed a lot of people would give you more RP and SL then the base. I.E. the more damage someone has caused, the higher a modifier of RP and SL the player who killed him would receive. For the second week, it would be back to normal.
3- At the end of the two week gameplay, a survey would be sent out on what went well did not go well. If, overall, there is a positive feeling towards the introduction of TO in one way or another, than Gaijin can add it as a permanent event mode, much like Sim.

Just in case people wanted to know about implementation.


With a TO-mode ground RB would turn into an US vs. US CAS spamefest.

I don’t really understand what you’re trying to say. People make posts like this on the forum.

Damn. Almost seems like there’s a problem with CAS.

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Also, I’ll remind you that this is a Combined Arms game.

Yeah everyone knows wanting something to change is bad. We should have kept all BRs the way they were 10 years ago because that’s how it should be. If you don’t like them you should quit.

Also only one mode is true combined arms. Naval doesn’t count because nobody plays it and aircraft are useless most of the time.

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It’s not about statpadding. Statcards provide valuable information about a players general performance and some funny numbers to look at. Nobody plays a game because of statcards yet they are a part of almost all pvp games.

Unfortunatly War Thunder stats are wildly inaccurate as they list kills and deaths across vehicle types and even include ai kills/deaths. If the stats actually ment something it would be easier to have a general idea how someone plays and make it easier to adapt.

Trying to move the goalposts won’t help your argument, nor will making farsical statements.

Well, most competitive pvp games are for the most part pretty well balanced. There isn’t a semblance of anything remotely like balance in WT. I also wouldn’t look at someone’s casual/quick play statistics to judge their ability in csgo. I’d look at their ranked stats. Player cards in WT are even less informative than quick play statistics, and we have no ELO/ranked matchmaker.

Don’t forget game modes. I have played the F-16C and Gripen virtually exclusively in GRB, but if you look at my player card it probably looks like I’m someone who spends a lot of time shooting ground targets.

The only people with access to good stats is GJN, and they refuse to let us see that stats, presumably because they are:

  1. Worried players will figure out a way to abuse the way they calculate “efficiency”.
  2. More importantly, they don’t want to see how heavily they stack the odds in Russia’s favour.

You have proven once more that you don’t understand anything.


And you have proven thrice more that you understand nothing, so all you do is move goalposts, lie and gaslight people to try and make yourself look intelligent when you are on the complete opposite side of that spectrum.

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Don’t forget game modes. I have played the F-16C and Gripen virtually exclusively in GRB, but if you look at my player card it probably looks like I’m someone who spends a lot of time shooting ground targets.

That’s a problem aswell.

The only people with access to good stats is GJN

True but in the other post I was only talking about player statcards.

More importantly, they don’t want to see how heavily they stack the odds in Russia’s favour.

They really don’t they just suck at balancing. USA CAS for example is a lot better than anything russia has. Russia only has the Pe-8 (and maybe the Su-25) but other nations have a lot stronger planes at most BRs. All of their tanks have less crew and no gun depression. Russian tanks are easier to use somewhat effectly but harder to get really good in that’s why they perform better.

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The coming reliance on these player statcards to shut down any discussion is further poving my point that the statchecking needs to actually stop.

It’s stifling, and it’s just being used like a hammer to kill any conversation because someone isn’t worthy of comment.

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Has anyone considered that players as myself spam lower Br vehicles to higher Br battles and ruin its K/D for the sake of having fun? I done it a lot with all my tanks. I brought my Chi-Ri II to to 7.3 Br matches before which ended up lowering my win rate and k/d by a lot. Wanted to kill the Maus and other heavies with it which I was able to but I kept dying in 1 shot most of the time and was unable to pen tanks effectively since it’s gun isn’t the greatest for that Br. I done it with many other vehicles too.

Stats checking only works for ranks or for those who truly care about stats. If there was a rank mode in WT, I would literally play a lot more smarter and not make risky moves.

Bro, you know they don’t believe in fun as everything has to be bad and removed because it got them, and whoever was manning it is an asshole for getting them in a PvP game.

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someone isn’t worthy of comment

Where did anyone say something like this.

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Has anyone considered that players as myself spam lower Br vehicles to higher Br battles and ruin its K/D for the sake of having fun?

Has anyone told you you’re not allowed to do that?

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It’s what comes of every statcheck currently in my eyes… It’s just straight up gatekeeping.

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