Can we stop throwing bones to air abusers in ground realistic?

Because CAS is extremely easy to use and equally as OP. Your team is at a huge disadvantage if you don’t. Also I don’t get why you don’t want to want to understand that I’m not against CAS in mixed battles. CAS can be fun sometimes and I use it too but I want a tank only mode for when I don’t want to engage planes. Is this such a foreign concept to CAS mains?


The statcards are complete ass anyway. Plane stats even count AI and force you to statpad when your only goal is stopping ticket bleed.

Planes should only count kills on player controlled aircraft and deaths by player controlled aircraft.
Tanks should only count kills on other tanks and deaths by other tanks.
SPAA should count both.

Hnnnnnnnnnnnggggggghhhhhhhhhh that means some of my tanks that I used to camp will now have 4.0KDR

Oh you know how it is; just good ole’ fashioned hypocrisy.

Why not? That would make statcards actually usefull to determine player and tank performance.

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Nothing I’ve said here contradicts any statement I made earlier. I’m not against CAS in Mixed RB and I never was. I only want a ground only mode as a separate gamemode without.

Either you’re some smug reddit mod drawing false conclusions every single time because you’re not able to read and think or you’re a mediocre troll doing this for fun.


They are just like that, You won’t win against people being like a stone wall

The moment You prove that they are wrong they will put You on ignore list and report every of Your post


Atleast thanks to that new russian spaa, br 9.3 becomes a safer place from cas. To my understanding, the Igla was a terrible ground to air missile. But it works good in war thunder.


For those who still lack the understanding. Yes, we want a ground only mode. Will that ever happen? Of course not. So the next best step is rebalancing airplanes in ground realistic.

Airplanes gain superior firearms every day. From slow bombs, to fire and forget missiles. Heli’s especially are notorious, since they cna hover just behind cover. They dont have to fly in the open.

The first german heli can fire off 4 super guided missiles and stay at a safe range. Safe from any spaa. Even radar spaa cant fire accurately at that range.

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Although it is good to see SPAAG doing well, I will say the reason why the Iglas are doing well, from what I have seen and read (although this does not inherently mean it is correct), is that it can immediately guide off firing, and does not have a range before the guidance kicks in or whatever.

That said, glad to see SPAAG doing well. I am a huge fan of SPAAG so to me it is always a big deal. It can be hard to learn how to play with them (attached is my player card to show proof) but once you learn they are fantastic machines


Not the greatest stats for the stat checkers out there since i used the Type 87, SUB, So-Ki as TD and had way less air kills on them like 2 or 3 months ago. But made great improvements :)

My point in posting my stats was to show that learning how to use SPAAG is a big learning curve.

If you take a look at my more recently recieved SPAAG (The ZSD-63, for example, or the ADATS, or the Hungaro ZSU-23-4, for example), you’ll see I have a much better KDR in them. I am working on bringing these stats way up, but given I don’t play more than like an hour a day, it is a long journey ahead.

Edit. I realize you are posting your stats not as a counterpoint to me. Apologies! I’m losing my mind right now

All good lol I should of started with “My stats are not the greatest…”, instead. But yea, I can see how it threw you off. I agree though, using a SPAA is a huge learning curve and plays a huge important role in Ground Battles.

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Yes, we want a ground only mode. Will that ever happen? Of course not. So the next best step is rebalancing airplanes in ground realistic.

CAS mains will cry way too much if CAS gets rebalanced so the best thing would be to have a tank only mode for tankers and a mixed gamemode so the CAS mains can keep playing the way it’s right now.

The first german heli can fire off 4 super guided missiles and stay at a safe range.

The german missiles are almost exactly the same as one the other starter helis. France even has these missiles at 7.7 while the german starter is 8.3.


There’s a difference between rebalancing and nerfing; and the TO group’s agenda is not balancing but nerfing into oblivion, so let’s not get that bit twisted.

Also, I’ll remind you that this is a Combined Arms game. You and your buddies are playing the wrong game if all you want is tank play. How many times do we have to remind you people of this?


Adding a new gamemode means nerfing in existing mode…. Right


Increasing SP costs on aircraft means increasing the SP costs on aircraft…which are already the most expensive sort of vehicles in RB GFs.

It is peculiar that you are complaining about players with __ K/D and their access to aircraft, given that anyone can freely access at least 1 respawn in GFs with no successes whatsoever in their first spawned GFs vehicle.

If you’re so concerned about those __ K/D players, surely you must support hiking GFs’ respawn prices too. Right?

SP cost hikes affect everyone…you are changing the costs, not the players.

Raising costs explicitly to steer vehicle usage is an attempt at depriving players of their freedom of choice. That word you keep using fits: it is gatekeeping.

Truthfully, we don’t have to change anything at all…it’s just your opinion that some change ought to occur.

I don’t see a new for SP hikes, nor does Gaijin appear to see a need for a TO mode. It’s all opinion and perspective–it varies.

There are a lot stranger phenomenons to run across in this world than players’ reasonable concerns about meddling affecting their modes.

While you might be rather new to all of this, we have heard some TO advocates say they actively wish to ‘punish’ War Thunder players enjoying Combined Arms gameplay.

I remember distinctly that @Silkmonger once stated (almost verbatim) that he wanted to make RB GFs ‘unfun’ because Gaijin hadn’t implemented TO. That his resolution: to terrorize the playerbase…seriously.

Given shared mechanics (BRs are not split yet and damage models are shared), there is tremendous reason to have cross-mode concerns…nevermind population splitting and its potential effects.

As open as I am to TO, I acknowledge it has realistic limitations, needs and potential to affect other modes adversely (even if indirectly or unintentionally)…there’s nothing wrong with raising such matters or talking about them.

TO advocates should invite more discussion of TO, not less.


Not to mention how many threads he derailed ontop of spamming. Dude was something else.

I was waiting for one of you to say that lol, because I think what benefits both sides, unlike CAS mains who only want to keep all the cakes for themselves. Having a separate game mode will be the best solution bro, I also wouldn’t want to find my Pe-8 requires 2000sp to drop the 5000kg bomb when I visit mixed battle again.

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Why do you guys care so much about stats? There is nothing remotely competitive about war thunder - just look at the win rate differences between nations.