Can we stop throwing bones to air abusers in ground realistic?

Absolutely, why didn’t you just dodge the bombs right, I mean didn’t we all watch The Matrix? could have tried to replicate their movements by driving back and forth. Actually if you are pro you can even dodge the bombs or AGM when playing the T95 bro.


I’m always flattered and amused by kamikaze attacks on me. All that SP wasted on 1 tank. Lmao.


Especially when someone misses and all you see is a wreck tumbling by 🤣

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Oh yeah. Love those moments especially.

It is a bit sad to see some people on here still pouting about all this–and especially the scenario you describe.

They pay out <161 SP for a tank and kill 5 others…then screech forever because someone who paid 480+ SP may have gotten 1 kill with that 480+ SP. 😂

Suicide bombing is probably the least effective sort of attack there is…it just concedes the engagement, yet some don’t comprehend that.


Something feeling bad and something being “logically bad” are not always the same. It feels awful to get suicide bombed because there was about nothing you could have probably done about it and the guy flying the plane didn’t even bother to do it in a way that preserved himself. If it were up to me, I’d have penalties for destroying your own plane in close proximity to killing enemy vehicles to curtail this.

The other problem is you’re just using SP as a form of “economy” here to show he lost out on the “economy” of SP which is correct, but often times that guy resetting you back to spawn can easily kill that game’s potential for you by removing you from a poweful position you drove to and was defending or by simply making you drive a long distance again from spawn.

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Everything but #4, lots of planes are built to withstand some machine gun fire and a few like a10 can take pretty heavy damage, and damage caused by aircraft weapons shouldn’t be changed unless it is changed to be more realistic

i think you mean all but 4.2


You wouldnt need this as a second plane is already very hard to get. Second spawn is twice the sp cost. Spend 600 on a plane and the next is 1,200. They would have to be doing super well to get that. I dont think you could realistically get a 3rd plane spawn.

I assume that these points are a “do this or that” because doing both would make zero sense. Doubling sp costs would negate second plane spawns as the second plane spawn would be just as, if not more expensive, as a nuke.

Indeed. Lot of these folks that complain like to use OP vehicles and/or super advantageous positions so they can kill unopposed, then die to CAS accordingly because they refused to move and screech about people playing the game properly to deal with players like them.

Frankly, the tears are delicious.

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Nah most autocannon and MG rounds are represented pretty accurately in game

What did I do wrong except for spawning?


tHaT’S BaD SiTuAtIoN AwArEnEsS BrO, sHoUlD HaVe qUiCkLy pArK YoUr tAnK On tHe sLoPeS AnD AiM 90 dEgReE To sHoOt dOwN ThE JeT WiTh yOuR MaIn cAnNoN, sKiLl iSsUeS

~CAS mains

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I think that there needs to be more intel in matches.

We shouldn’t be 100% relying on teammates to communicate when an enemy fighter/CAS/heli have been spawned. Radar detection of incoming threats has been a thing since the Battle of Britain, so it’s not immersion breaking. For the sake of gameplay, it would be great if you know whether it’s safe to spawn a tank, or if you should spawn a fighter/SPAA and keep your spawn protection.

You didn’t do anything wrong. I’m just questioning what 3 of your teammates, that happen to be on a SPAA, are doing…No way 3 of them with radar completely missed that jet or not hear it coming. Bad luck on your end, hate to be with teammates that are on SPAA not paying attention or not alert of surroundings. Completely failed to protect you from CAS.

EDIT: I will say, knowing there was an incoming jet the moment of spawning, should of stayed still and let spawn protection do it’s thing. The moment you drove, spawn protection no longer was active. Though hard to tell what exactly happened before ya drove since the clip only shows the moment the air strike happened. Maybe there was no jet in visual range and ya drove then suddenly boom.


Do you not realize it’s a massive issue if I have to worry about LEAVING MY SPAWN because of an aircraft. When tanks aren’t the main focus of ground battles anymore there’s no point in spawning again as soon as planes are up. And people wonder why so many player 1 death leave.

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EDIT: I will say, knowing there was an incoming jet the moment of spawning, should of stayed still and let spawn protection do it’s thing.

So I should just not play the game until the CAS spam is over?

I’m just questioning what 3 of your teammates, that happen to be on a SPAA, are doing…No way 3 of them with radar completely missed that jet or not hear it coming.

He came in low from behind our spawn so we couldn’t see him and I hope I don’t have to explain how terrible the sound in this game works.

That is not what I suggested, did not say not to play the game until CAS spam is over lol Just stating that it would be a smarter move to let spawn protection do its thing than driving out from spawn as spawn protection last 20seconds? or 15? if holding still. By then, your 3 friendlies in SPAA would have noticed the jet and the bomb would not have destroyed you. As a SPAA player myself, I would of seen him coming as I will always keep a look out if one spawns and T-1-6 constantly even after losing visual sight. Can still T-1-6 if they behind hills, mountains or flying low as long as your screen is facing towards their location. Those 3 clearly didn’t do a good job doing so, especially since there isn’t many mountains or trees blocking them completely, open field almost.

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@AverageWehraboo, sorry, I just have to ask: if CAS in Ground RB is such a huge issue for for you, then why is your most played tank the BT-5 and coincidentally the ITP (M1) and Pe-8 are both in your top four most played aircraft?

Your stats look like you are enjoying abusing the spawn system to spam the most absurd CAS there is in the game yourself.

It seems like you only care about CAS, when you are on the receiving end.


A little sad that the Air RB stats are not separated from the GRB stats …