Can we stop throwing bones to air abusers in ground realistic?

Score. I dont remember the exact amount but is is usually about 200-something for shooting down a plane and like 500-something for a tank.

Might be closer to 1/2 though. I just remember getting matches with 3 air kills and still being below people who have like 1 kill and 1 assist.

Would be nice to bring those at least to the same level.
Also some nice addition would be score for SPAA that fires at enemy aircraft, which then miss with their own ordinance or only do minor damage.

Which is also garbage and why nobody wants to play fighters.

I do, because I don’t care about the rewards.

Most people aren’t like us with 1 million games played. They need incentive. Esp at high tier where it’s like, 20k per mod !

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Incentives would always be nice. I would like to see the rewards for shooting down aircraft rise and also a reward for causing them to miss their attack, if possible.

If this is to be a thing, then SPAA would also have to have that directly counted. That if a single shot was even shot past them by an SPAA they got the credit if none others.

That is what I mean. A reward for SPAA if they disturb enemy aircraft enough to miss their attack.

lol nice, thought you were still talking of fighters and was thinking the old ‘manoeuvre kill’

That would be nice, too, could also be implemented though. If an aircraft slams into the ground after having been closer than ~500m to another aircraft within the last 5 seconds, the other player gets the kill.

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Cas Players can’t see a problem

Even if all the cas premium’s and cas Event vehicles and the extreme number of casplayers could point towards a problem they can’t see it

Even if the entire game would just be low tier Highspeed vehicle’s against su27/f16c/mig29smt they would Still just trow in the combined arms argument

And those stating realism/combined arms

It usually didn’t consist of one two duster aa vehicle’s
Even in ww2 they had radars and flak guns aided by said radars

And they used alot of aa vehicles or stationary emplacements
You know the puffs of smoke in WW2 bomber or glider movie’s? Each of them is a single 128mm or 88mm shell
So if the puffs are in group’s it’s pretty easy to see the number of guns used

Not everyone

I was recently playing some SPAA to spade them. And an air kill gave me 6 (!!!) RP. At rank 4…

Yet people taking it personally is precisely why the “push” for TO exists, and why these threads derail so easily.

Nobody can debate an idea with a clear head when half of the respondents are too busy fuming like a coal-fired power plant because the guy they deleted who was paying zero attention then revenge (and possibly even kamikaze) bombed them.

I would go so far to cut down on revenge killing frequency to axe the kill cam, force runway spawns, move runways further back from the map, delete both separate helipads and instead force helicopters to spawn on the runway complex (and thus get actual AAA protection again), and finally remove the “team is capturing zone X” messages that basically scream to every plane in the region to bomb there.

Even if it’s going to be “less convenient,” we will not get anywhere towards seriously reforming CAS without first making revenge bombing at least 90% less frequent.

I’ve never understood why people get upset about this. Even if they Kamikaze you, that is way more SP spent by them than you.


Maybe because You can’t do anything about it?

Or maybe because the player You have killed gets the upper hand because of it?

You can stop camping and making it easy for them to find and bomb you after you’ve killed them.

You can also position more intelligently, so that CAS can’t, or can’t as easily spot you/target you.

Easier to just moan on the forums about it though.

Sounds like your issue is with the kill cam giving away your camping spot, which is the case even if they spawn back in a tank.


You know that You can use bomb on moving targets? Not to mention when You are doing kamikaze attacks?

There is no place on the map where CAS can’t take You out.

Sounds like You think that all I do is camp, couldn’t be further from the truth ;)

Most spotting is done by hit marker and muzzle flash bro, whenever you get hit or fire your weapon even once you will be spotted by CAS from 5km away lol


Nah, You must be camping in one spot the whole game!!!

Look at that camping spot! No one could get close to me!