Can we stop throwing bones to air abusers in ground realistic?

I think increasing the spawn distance for CAS would accomplish the same, while being acceptable to many people. No Killcam is a big change, with a lot of collateral, for the small effect of removing revenge bombing. I mean, they were gonna bomb somebody weren’t they? Only issue with revenge is people take it personally.

Which is true in a tank-tank combat. Not so in tank-air combat.

You went on a completly different thing, than my answer was, but okay.

And interestingly there is no such thing in Air matches…

Yeah, back to this nonsense.
If you would have any reasonable argument, you would have already used that. Yet you did not.

It is easier to “deal” with CAS in AB, yet it is still just annihilates tanks.
I know. I get killed by it, and i also use it to give back some to CAS users. And it is by far the easiest was of killing tanks. And this is despite the lead indicator that everyone has.

There is a reason why they go for the “you play AB reeeee” crying, because they have nothing else.
If someone has a reasonable and good argument, they will use it, yet they have not used anything like that, just whine about me not playing in RB.

How? How can i do anything with many tanks?
How man i hide with a big, slow, open top, that can be killed by even the worst MG in the game?
That is just not possible.
You made the suggestion f suing SPAA, or a plane.
Well, for 1, to use any of them, i first have to die with my first vehicle, which is in that case usually to CAS. Even if i grant you for the sake of the argument, that with either SPAA or fighter i can deal with the planes, please answer my question!
Does that change the fact, that my tank got destroyed in a way, that i had no real chance to fight back?
This would be understandable if i got to do at least somethign with them, but often, i get CAS’d after a single kill if i use an open top, or thinly armored vehicle.
Does it change the fact, that time and time again i can do nothing in the battle with the vehicle i want to play, because some players are just too trash to engege me in a fair fight, and have to get an unfair mechanic to kill me?
And again, all this is if the methods you suggested are viable. The issue is, that they are NOT.

SPAA? Yeah, most of the times any even remotely skilled CAS enjoyers will annihilate your SPAA? or just ignore it and stay out of your effective range.

Fighters? The only effective way, but you have to grind a second tech tree to get them. Also you have to learn another skill set, because fighting planes with a plane takes skill, unlike fighting tanks with a plane.

Hiding? There are not many places you can reliably hide from planes, and most of them are tunnels, so unless there are enemy tanks, you will not do anything.

Just like any of the changes after the boycotts. Any many such similar situations.
Does it mean it is not needed? Nope.

The issue here is the main one. Money. Many CAS enjoyers have premium CAS, and the implementation of TO would just destroy the “mixed” mode, so all those premium CAS users would cry rivers, as well as the TT users, tho they have less “value” in Gaijin’s eyes.

It is not a powerup. It is just a cheap tool for bad players.

Again, does it change the fact, that it can easily destroy my tank when i can do basically nothing?


It’s true period…a defeat is a defeat. It’s only as easy as you let it be.

Also, lol’d at getting another notification about your pst from a week ago…again trying to blame tankers who fly for your post getting flagged. 🙄

Have you considered it could be anyone since your way of replying is bulky and makes a literal wall?

I didn’t resort to flagging your post but others may have and spoilering your post would be polite to everyone else.


My bad, I guess you dont think they would even need scouting to be added either. So vehicles with zero use can be added.

If you want to open the door for vehicles with zero use in certain gamemodes, go ahead. Dont complain when you end up having to grind a vehicle you cant use in arcade.

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I am always tempted to block him just so i dont have to scroll through a short novel of a bunch of 1-2 sentence, sometimes 1-2 words, quotes followed by a 1-2 sentence, also sometimes 1-2 words, replies.


I believe gaijin wants to pull through some changes. Was in a recent blogpost. How a critidal damage on an airplane would give you 80% of the reward. I think that would also apply for spaa.

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I wouldn’t mind it as much if the quality of his replies were actually worth something.

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Knowing Gaijin it is hard to predict. SPAA should earn at least same as air on air kills, but that all appears to be set by “average algorithm”.

I like playing planes in ground rb but in my opinion cas is overpowered how does TO help in this situation?

More players focus on the combined aspect = more people fighting air

People will still be suicide bombing

If You have problem with this aspect of the game, You could play TO

But I still want to play planes in grb

Then You play GRB and accept it

Why should I just accept it?

Because if You want combined You should accept it as it is part of it

Dying to air is part of combined gameplay, with TO, You would have alternative for that


SPAA, like all vehicles, should earn the severely damaged/finished off kills with the new system. SPAA do earn the same amount of rewards as an aircraft to aircraft kill in Ground RB (with vehicle individual modifiers taken into account).


I would like for ground-air kills to give the same score as ground-ground kills.

Currently, shooting down a plane gives about 1/3rd of the score as a ground kill.

Because high chances are, guns do little damage, so as you would, bringing a plane without a bomb load, is much lower SP. I’m slowly getting used the the Anti-CAS threads every 1/2 day or so.

Score or rewards? Now I’m doubting what I said earlier and must verify when I get off work.