Can we stop throwing bones to air abusers in ground realistic?

It’d be funnier if they were, honestly.


My point is to solve the playerbase opinion that CAS is “overpowered” by making the counters so strong and easy to use and guaranteed-available that now people no longer can claim its overpowered at all.

Then it simply boils down to player choice. You do not need to use said counters every game. But they would be available to you, simple to learn, and thus if you felt the need to use it, they’d be there.

Then the ball is punted into the whiners’ court. They can either play by the rules of the game and hit it back, have nothing to argue with and be quiet, or leave the playing field entirely for a different game built by folk who “just want to play tanks” such as GHPC (a game built by ex-WT players as devs who were sick of grind and CAS, FYI, and it has multiplayer under development).

The reason I came to this conclusion is that no matter what concessions are made, some people will never be happy. Hence the only way to solve things is to make it those peoples’ own fault and nobody else’s. Quite literally, make the problem a “skill issue” of the people complaining about it, much as I detest using such terminology.

Some people take this game way too seriously. If they let themselves get mental damage, they are playing the game too much and need to pace themselves.

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So true bro

Every time I’ve seen it posted, it’s always poorly-thought-out, without consideration for the consequences. That is why I don’t like the idea itself, the people suggesting it being oftentimes ridiculous only adds to the dislike.

Thing is, just by human nature, I don’t think “peace will return here” if hell freezes over and such a mode gets added. If its added as a split mode entirely, all the issues warned about of inability to dig people out of nasty positions and matchmaker splits will rise to the surface. If a “trigger queue” like with night battles is done, the map problems would still exist, plus the very real possibility that it may not be as popular as its proponents proclaim, and then the rants about CAS will instead be replaced by something like “there is a conspiracy by snail to not allow TO matches even though they can happen!”

And this, right here, is the only real solution the problem in my eyes - empower the counters and make them more available to the point that it stops being a game problem and instead becomes an individual player problem.

CAS is unfairly demonized when its currently implemented as an awful revenge powerup, forced into that role by terrible mechanics that make people rage, and doubly forced into said role because it lacks the real objectives most CAS did.

Thus in my eyes, the only way to truly solve this is 1) eliminate the rage mechanics and be done with CAS being a “powerup” at all, 2) make the counters far stronger so its up to each player to do something about it and be quiet already, and 3) give CAS a hell of a lot more to do so not every bomb, rocket, missile, or cannon shell is solely pointed at a player tank.

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Nothing will change for tank players with changes You want to propose.

TO is the solution which will give everyone what they want.

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I agree that there could be consequences and that is something worth taking into consideration for sure. Yep, nobody want to give likes to an arrogant nasty ass hat ,can’t argue that but I do think so many take disagreement as a personal insult. I just think we have too many kids who have never heard the word no. I also think we have this silly notion that we are either pro or anti CAS and after three years I am neither. I am not the Non flying anti CAS person I used to be but I still see the game destroying issues CAS can bring…

Glad to see you have been taking steps to stop being part of the problem.

The only permanent solution to this mess boils down to

  1. Elimination of rage-inducing mechanics like kill cam, airspawns, aircraft being powerups, etc
  2. Empowerment of counters and making them far more available so anyone who thinks to complain has no excuse not to learn or use them.
  3. Giving CAS (and tanks where applicable) a bunch more objectives to do to make maps larger and get the two entrenched “pro CAS” and “anti CAS” diehards off each others’ throats.

If you asked me prior to playing the game if the kill cam was a good fit I probably would have said no, but I think removing it would turn the learning curve for new players into a cliff. If it’s only an issue with CAS, there’s ways to balance CAS around the killcam (airspawn, etc.) without throwing the baby out with the bathwater.

How about just moving the kill cam footage to after the match concludes in a “highlights” reel for each player? I support it as a teaching tool, but not one that you should be able to take advantage of mid-match.

Current kill cam belongs in arcade only. RB & Sim should see it deleted from mid-match at least.

It’s an option, but then I (hypothetical player) will need to remember what I was doing at the time, map state, all the stuff that instant feedback really helps with. I think a lot of that will get lost if it’s all delivered at the end.

The “where you got shot from” and “what you got shot by” are pretty critical for not getting killed the same way over and over. I’m not saying it’s realistic, just that it will make things much more difficult to learn if delivered after the fact, and with a negligible impact on tank vs tank.

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Then how about also making server replays more easily accessible? The current way to see your replays is…rough, to say the least.

Or, if the kill cam is retained mid-match, it should show only the direction the shell came from and the player’s name & vehicle responsible. No shell flight path to your dead tank. No snapshot showing where your killer was.

Then how about also making server replays more easily accessible

I mean I’m always down for easy UI/UX improvements without any drawbacks from Gaijin but I also want a toilet made of gold.

It should show only the direction the shell came from and the player’s name & vehicle responsible. No shell flight path to your dead tank. No snapshot showing where your killer was.

I think the issue is that an experienced player will be able to intuit the omitted information pretty well. Also forcing new players to remember the word salad of vehicle names (instead of “long gun, wheels, turret”) is pure pain. Lemme just find, read, and parse “Radkampfwagen 90 TAM 2C” or “15cm sIG 33 B Sfl” (along with the ammo!) before those roll off the bottom of the death notifications.

EDIT: Also based on how the killcam shows the destroyed vehicle, I bet there’s some tech implementation monsters lurking as far as saving them to be shown later.

Giving a TO mode to those who don’t want CAS interference and allowing current GRB continues unmolested. Pure almost AI like logic. No nerfing of the current game that many enjoy and no CAS issues whatsoever.

Sorry I can only think in terms of logic. I have no personal attachment to this, no butt hurt and I’m willing to listen to why that won’t work from Gaijin.

Does this Anton guy who owns Gaijin not want WT to irradicate its main opposition WoT ? Why would that not appeal? Why would you not have an interest in this if you were a shareholder in Gaijin?

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I don’t get why some people still refuse to accept that TO will solve most of the issues for combined mode as all people who just want to play tanks will not play it, thus teams will overall be better in terms on fighting aka combined style.


No I don’t ,as you have said you fly and I fly .There is no anti CAS hate here at all.I dont want any more SP hits on CAS.

And I don’t want any more nerfs which are not needed.

Maybe after another 10 years some players will finally understand that we are playing the same gameplay over and over again with the same nerfs/buffs.


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An experienced player would know the map well. The point is not to completely eliminate revenge killing (which is impossible in any shooter), but rather to bring it way down from the current ridiculously common level to something less prone to provoking outrage where people lose their minds.

It doesn’t actually “solve” anything with how CAS is implemented, how objective layout and design on tank maps sucks, spawn camping frequency, or anything else. It is a poorly thought out suggestion that does not think about its own long term consequences in an actually objective manner.