Can we stop throwing bones to air abusers in ground realistic?

How should he know? He isn’t even playing this gamemode.

Btw: I am still waiting for them to post an example of these supposed “bones” that get thrown towards air (ab)users…


In terms of RB, scouting is probably a big one. Their plan of adding the spawn detection for the air spawn could be one.

I would be fine if they removed the sp reduction that scouting gives and upped the reward instead.

Although he is an arcade main, he does make a lot of good points for GRB mains who were sick of dealing with CAS when they don’t want to, he was like someone I wouldn’t even know he didn’t play GRB much. The point is, people hate feeling helpless against CAS when they just to play the survival game in their tank, I mean what are you gonna do in your Leopard 2A4 when the SU-25K comes after you? die. They will order a pizza and request to not have the pineapples bro.

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One problem is that there are tools that help against this helplessness. But no matter how often you make suggestions, no matter how constructive they are, you are bitten off.
I myself was at the point where many players were. With the feeling that they couldn’t do anything about the bombs and everything. Then I sat down and learnt to deal with it. I took the tips from the forum and put them into practice.
Today I no longer have a problem with CAS. I know what I can do about it and which tool is best suited for when.
A small example: If a lot of aeroplanes are approaching at once, I use the SPAA because I can usually hide well with it and strike at the right moment.
If the enemies come one after the other, I take an agile fighter plane and knock them out of the sky.
If there’s nothing more to do above, I usually mark enemies with the MGs to act as a kind of aerial reconnaissance.
If I hang bombs under my wings, it’s for an attack. I don’t fly back to get the next ones straight away. I stay on the ground to fend off other aircraft.
What is my point? As long as there is no TO-mode, the players only have the following options. Use SPAA or fighter planes to fight CAS, learn when the first planes appear and react in time.
Otherwise I have a nice idea. You can invite me to a squad for a small fee and I’ll fight the planes ^^


What? not… not for free? I thought doing something one enjoyed doing was considered a blessing, not treating it like a job which one wouldn’t do if it wasn’t for monetary payment. :P


So far no squad has tried to get me ^^ … I’m probably too controversial here in the forum xD

Am still quite new here, only find a few guys with lizard’s profile photo being mean to me.

You mean Pointy? Pointy is a good guy and had a very clear view of things. You need a thick skin in the forum, it’s just a bit rough here sometimes.

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There is another one I think, don’t exactly remember the name, my first impression was he was way too hostile to arcade mains lol and then all lizards I find here seem to be against the idea of TO mode, it’s like WWE all over again, there are two sides of players, I treated the CAS advocates being the heel, and TO advocates being the face.

It may seem that many people are against a TO mode. This is sometimes not true. Many simply recognise the current situation. And the current situation is that there are absolutely no indications that point to a TO mode in the near future.
I myself am also in favour of a TO-mode. I would also play it from time to time. But the most important point in favour of a TO-mode for me would be that peace finally returns here and the community really becomes a community again.
There is currently a lot of division and toxic behaviour here.

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Oh, I am also hostile to Arcade mains demanding changes in RB. ;P

The other Lizard might be Flak Dancer

And I am not hostile to the idea of a TO mode. I just find the argumentation of most of its advocates ludicrous. Just look at this topic’s name. Those who play the entire game get labeled as “abusers”


That is because both parties have allowed themselves to get into stupid slanging matches rather than address the point.


Can we stop throwing bones to air abusers in ground realistic?

When everyone stops throwing money at gaijin. Hell might freeze over before then

Based on my observation there are currently more players who want a TO mode than ones who are against it, you see the mixed battle defenders are always the same usual suspects, always the same 10-15 persons (which includes the incredibly unhelpful bunch that says go play other game, skill issues or wrong game bro) while the ones who started a thread and complaints about CAS and request for its removal/game mode is always created by different person. I see there is no reason not to add a TO mode at this point when so many want it, when the thing goes live they can even steal some players from WoT who knows they ended up playing mixed battles instead of TO? you win some you lose some, but I see Gaijin will benefit the most if they add a TO mode to keep some of us happy, I believe I’ve spent an excess of $1000 at this game and for some reason had stopped renewing my premiums since about a year ago, reason being I grew tired of certain part of the gameplay (mainly CAS) and don’t play the game as often as before, now it has gotten a lot easier to not play anymore.

I also become a big fan of certain posters, mainly ULQ_Lover because we have the same opinions, then I become a big fan when he makes claims and then proceeds to back up the claim with a video to prove his points when asked, unlike most people who just choose to disappear from the conversation.

What a bro, once they implemented the TO mode I already decided he has a lot to do with it so mark my words, I will send him a coupon of a rare vehicle as a gift. So hopefully players who wants a different thing finally got what they wanted.


I respect ULQ as well. Even though he is now back on my ignore list because of his rather disrespectful way of turning certain things so that they correspond to his narrative even though they clearly speak against it. Nevertheless, I have great respect for the achievements he shows in aircraft operations. Unfortunately, he has little respect for people who perform very well with SPAA and belittles them.
And I think that doesn’t help the whole topic of CAS, SPAA and co.
In the end, for me it is important that the WarThunder community comes together a little more. And if TO mode can help with that, yes please, bring it on.
But I also think it’s important to mention that new balance issues will arise in this mode and I’m afraid that Gaijin isn’t very interested in additional work.
The current, untouched balance problems that apparently exist in the top tier are a clear sign of this.
We are currently experiencing one step forward and then two steps back at the same time.
My favorite suggestion is basically: First try to understand the other person why he thinks that way. Many people always assume they understand why others think this way, but they are often wrong. And these assumptions give rise to conflicts that can be avoided.
How often have I seen two people discuss things and in the end actually want the same thing. But it doesn’t work because of toxic discussion or poor self-reflection.
I have no idea how I got here thematically… forgive me for this excursion into the extreme OT xD


The answer to the OP was basically given early on as being that the TO suggestion is fine but we don’t like the people suggesting it so its not fine.

You could always bring up that someone currently is not playing WT rather than join in discussion of opinions ;)

Nevertheless, I will always work to ensure that his words have a place here.
Just today some people have made it their mission to make my words disappear here… basically no one is forced to like what the other person writes. It is just as important that someone else can say that they find it inappropriate.
In the end, it is important that both can remain standing.


You’re not alone, there. I have some salty stalkers myself whose heads I live rent-free in, and they’ve been working to try to get me banned from the forums. The attention is flattering.


Well we can see somebody admitting to it on this topic and we can see the amount of my posts flagged in this discussion. Hardly surprising little gets changed by this forum.
I shudder to think of the mental damage I must be doing every time I kill somebody in the game. Are they having a full mental breakdown each time they lose a life?