Can we stop throwing bones to air abusers in ground realistic?

Try to make make everyone happy by giving people that want to improve things a hard time is more like it.

Welcome to the 2018 old forum topic.

Imagine higher tier. Like i said, certain spaa only have one belt. The falcon with 600 rounds is able to defend itself due to its small size and apds round in its belt, but stuff like the chieftain marksman quickly run out through its meager 400 bullet belt. Radar isnt a sure fire way to kill a plane. A small wiggle here and there can be enough. So you always lose more ammo than you want.

I understand the reason why gaijin isnt turning the spawn area into a resupply zone. So it wouldnt encourage spawn camping from the defending team. But like you say, for spaa, who’s role is to defend from the air, mostly by being stationary, this doesnt really work.

You don’t need to kill, just maim with an SPAA. Sure you will not get more kills but that is a personal goal (points, score, RP, SL, are acrued even without a kill), and maiming can help a fellow player tackle enemies easier. I found a SUB I II can put a Jadgpanther out if action in seconds!

If solutions are needed then solution per BR/Tier zone would be more sensible.

Gaijin will soon make ammo refills zones for GRB mainly for SPAA players, but can be used for anyone that runs out of ammo and theres no zones capped. It’s part of their roadmap for 2024. Glad they will do it cuz I ran out of ammo on Type 93, Type 81 and some SPAAs and didnt want to get to cap zones where the fighting is at. Would have to dip right away but chances of survival is low.


If you gave any vehicle unlimited ammo it would alter its BR, a SPAA on a spawn point is just a player with unlimited ammo who hasn’t even pushed on a zone or even moved an inch. At least a zone is resupply halfway up the map.

JuicyKuuuuki is quite inspirational in terms of pushing SPAA and he reminds us all that is it possible to be quite cheeky with SPAA. You can spawn camp with it yourself and hit incoming CAS at their end of the map as well. That is an old trick. Moving SPAA up the map and not living in your own spawn area but the enemy’s half of the map. Also push up as your team push up don’t just sit on spawn while CAS kill your team on the zones.

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I don’t discourage You from wanting to do something, I’m pointing out that it just won’t solve the córę of the problem.

More limited response = easier to kill

I don’t get why You avoid saying that they are easy targets.

Sorry that showing You that things won’t really improve is „hard time”.

No, as you say while in said ground vehicle there are limits to what you can do, whether you have a varied lineup or not.

So I still disagree with that premise and think explained my reasoning.

Because, as above, I see no logic to the distinction.

Difference is a Ground Only focused player (no aircraft) can only truly support an aerial flank in SPAA as they don’t have aircraft by their own decision.

I do not see an only tanker as an easier or harder target as a tanker than flies is all, hence not giving you the reply you expected.

Line-up has nothing to do with person playing just tanks

Tanker aka person using only tanks

If you do not understand just ask as I was clear.

I know, so not sure your point with the reply.

I’ve been pretty clear.

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As I have said person who is using only tanks will always be am easier target (aka easy frag) as he isn’t going to spawn anything to fight You back but rather leave the game or spawn another tank.

When we are talking about fighting the ground, tanks are always easier to destroy from the air as they mostly can’t defend against it so we can call most of the ground units „easy frag” for air.

If there was no more „pure tankers” in combined mode, people would choose vechicles which mostly can defend against air as there would be more people going for it instead for tank vs tank fight.

I do not agree. Also there is no indication of a player “type” when you shoot at or are shot by said enemy.

I do not see why a player only using tanks is an easier target.

This is just guesswork really and picking bones.

So again, I answered and think we are good now regarding your queries


i know how strong spaa can be.

i play the falcon, just to let off some steam. a reminder, that this tank only has 1 apds bullet in a 4 bullet shell. and thats already enough to make it this powerful. around this br, where you mostly fight german light armor, there is no need for high pen heat or apfsds. just a 30mm autocannon will do the trick.

however. imagine tanks like the chieftain marksman, which only has the 400 bullet belt. it can only equip 40 bullets of apds to protect itself. its not like the falcon. the marksman is a real spaa. it needs to concentrate on the air. for such tanks, having an alternative reload point, like the cap, would make it more useful. it atleast wouldnt have to worry about ammo preservation and can certainly put more effort in scaring off enemy cas.


When I get BP challenge to get kills using SPAA I go for ground rather than air. I think many do but it does sadly push SPAA up in BR. I think the French DCA is an example of this now France has no anti air cover at 4BR.

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And if you want that certain Sealclubber feeling, I recommend the M42 and M19A1. You also have two SPAAs that can dish it out properly ^^

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And what does this have to do with the lines you quoted?


Hmm, who was going on a nice tangent with this “insulting” thing?
Again the double standards.

I mean not hard to see why…

This “argument” is used often by them. Like there would be a handful of SPAA, that would be absolutely useless in TO (they could still scout tho), so because of that 5-10 or so, everyone must suffer.

They would have a use in the “combined” mode.

No. This is simply BS.

Isn’t air basically already this?
Regardless, you do not have to fight a different army branch in Air, while TO mode is needed, because there is a different army branch that is significantly stronger than the one the mode is named on.

Another M-51 OP please remove it “argument”?

What would be the issue with coastal in naval?

You mean the shell that has the same(ish)/worse pen than APHE?

This would be horrible. Imagine getting spawncamped by CAS at the start of the match that you can not counter because they have long range flying dildos…

Because SPAAs are not effective, and only air can effectively counter it ->need to grind another tech tree.
It still does not change the fact, that if you die to it, you had no chance to fight back or defend yourself.

Because he knows that with TO implemented, his easy and free ground kills would disappear.

All the 76 and 57mm versions have 15mm turret roof, not just over the breech.

Not just one, but most of the time many of them. Machineguns have this interesting feature, called “multiple shots in a second”…

Why so?

So is that an indication that TO would suck too? Because this is some high level BS there.

It isn’t funny that you’ve embarrassed yourself and proven the stereotypes many hold of TO advocates.

Those things (as done by others previously) are likely big reasons TO isn’t here today…it was on the scope in late 2019.

There’s no double standard, as I never resorted to such petty insults as you…I simply noted facts.

Facts and context =/= insults

The humorous parts of this are twofold:

  • The “easy/free” talk…only when people make it so is it true. Getting outplayed and defeated doesn’t mean the other guy had it easy.

  • This empty boasting about TO: it hasn’t even been able to attract enough interest from its supporters to have get rally put together but it’s gonna supplant WT’s premise? lmao

The unrealistic hype of TO’s prospects is probably another reason Gaijin recoiled back in 2019…while the idea undeniably has some interest, the endless and inevitably over-the-top inflation of TO probably gave Gaijin pauseand made them weary of committing to what they’d assessed was a “niche” interest.

Free LPT: if you keep bragging about (TO’s) size, it’s gonna make people wonder.



CAS is OP. in the sense that a single vehicle can carry numerous armaments. every bomb dropped near a tank can potentially kill it. every mg on the jet can potentially penetrate roofs. especially on higher br, where armor is even thinner due to the numerous ifv’s. a single vehicle with the ability to kill any tank at any position at any time. that is the unbalance we are fighting here. even when “killing” a plane, shooting off the wings. the tail. it still keeps its ability to drop bombs somehow. the cockpit of the pilot is shot to pieces. there is literally no button left to drop the bomb. yet the bomb can still be dropped.

what is their counter. a petty roof mg? if a regular spaa is already having difficulty properly aiming and shooting down airplanes, you expect random people to do it with a coaxial? its obvious your lack in tanking makes you over confident in your supposed knowledge about them. if you can speak that easy of a hard thing to do.

we better not forget that spaa’s only gain the ability to track planes from 8.0 and onwards. and even then, radar still isnt a sure fire way to properly counter jets. since they only have to wiggle for a little bit. i guess they have the ability to learn something other than crash landing their bombs on me.

if we only want to drive tanks, why would we want to fly? a counter to fly is a fly? dont make me laugh. if i have trouble shooting down planes, that simply means i have to play more spaa, learn more about spaa, and learn how to shoot down jets more efficient and ruin their ability to have an easy kill.

but hell, it would certainly help if gaijin didnt discourage us to it. you know how freaking hard it is to reach a normal score with just shooting down planes? you take out an enemies ability to an overpowered vehicle, and gaijin had set the multiplier in such a way you get LESS points for it? and what is an spaa going to do if there are no planes? you basically tell a player to just waste 15 minutes of his time picking his nose. spaa needs some kind of AP belt just in case.

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It is very simple: you have called CAS unfair and I have asked what exactly is unfair about something that has the same availability to all players.

But your answer is already enough. It shows that you admktted that you know I am right, thank you!