Can we stop throwing bones to air abusers in ground realistic?

because i would use that mode and so would alot of others no one other than CAS users like CAS

Again, making the problem occur less doesn’t mean that there is no problem to begin with.

ironic im in a match with a mi24 just snipin people from miles away so fun

i blame baronvongames for the helis

There will allways be nerfs and buffs no matter what game or game mode

There will allways be imbalances

The exact limit can vary as needed, but the underlying principle is the same - one set amount per player at start, no “earnings” of any kind.

That is the heart of every problem in RB, not just CAS.

Why do matches usually snowball into a (somewhat boring) wipe so quickly, especially at higher tiers? SP earnings giving more vehicles to the side that’s already winning. CAS is a force multiplier that makes things snowball even faster.

I very much agree on reforming SP costs across the board for ordinance. Different payloads should greatly vary in SP cost. I am only advocating merging it with Sim’s vastly superior and far more balanced SP system instead of RB’s which many YouTubers have pointed out is a problem for years.

You’d have a more enjoyable time arguing with a brick wall. Honestly. They come into every SPAA/CAS related thread and ruin it.

In my experience, matches snowball because one team, normally the US, will have 50% of their players leave within the first five minutes. Implementing a tank-only ground mode won’t change that.

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The only truly acceptable solution to the playerbase at large is top to bottom CAS reform. Of which part of said solution sadly must be making the counters so good that people like these few are unable to come up with any serious counter-response, and therefore are forced to 1) shut up & use the working counters or 2) leave the game.

Punt the ball into the whiners’ court, and dare them to hit it back. Make any remaining “problems” they have solely the result of their own choice and not something they can blame the game or its devs for.

It is simply not possible to compromise with every single extreme splinter group in any game’s playerbase, especially not for a game as diverse as WT where frequently multiple polar opposite extreme groups exist. And especially not one inclined on indirect sabotage of other game modes via repeated weapon nerfs which get blanket-applied elsewhere.

I don’t like nor want to think that way about any player, as we’re all human beings at the end of the day playing the same video game, but this is getting ridiculous. He wants his nirvana and will not listen to reason, it seems.

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20-25% honestly isn’t that bad, seems pretty balanced ngl

So what are you doing about the problem? I’m trying to redesign the SP system for aircraft to make compromises for ground vehicles and aircraft.

Without pure tankers in mode, it will balance itself. The problem in the moment is that people who just want to play as ground unit and fight other ground units don’t have a place for that.

No more easy targets, but we don’t need it, right?

And for “numbers” there are usually a lot more ground targets to attack in ARB.

And why is this a problem? I am sure there are people who like the current system who do not care about tweaking systems for better game health (in context of those on board with liking WT overall and not here for a mode that has never existed for them). Every change in game ever will bound to annoy someone.

No wonder TO and proper debate on what players think can be done to improve WT are so stifled. One day the pointing out of “attitude” of TO/Alter GFRB threads/members might actually sink in.

Until this is just an ego thing?


Lol… so you have no input?

A problem for some, yes? Not the problem.

Why will there be no more “easy targets”? You probably need to elaborate what you mean and how suddenly this might change. When I’ve shot any player in game I have no idea if they are “easy” or not. Do you have third party software to help?

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You must not have understood the question. We have established a that there is a problem. What are YOU doing about it?

Easy target - pure tankers.

That is why I try to make everyone happy as I don’t want to change what they like.

For people wanting to play tanks

Discussing it and presenting the idea?

You haven’t presented anything to Gaijin. Why is that? Discussing the idea is great, but nothing happens without suggestion posts, which you have none. So sit here and “discuss” all you want, but don’t try to discourage every other person who actually wants to make change past “discussion”.


I do not see a pure tanker any different than a WT player in that respect. Just because they have more limited responses to aerial flanks personally does not make their “target” status any different.

Trying to keep everyone happy will never work in any scenario (in general context too, rather than just WT). It is a flawed way to help resolve anything.

Not everyone who just plays or wants to play tanks only see it as a problem. So a bit of a stretch there.

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