Can we stop throwing bones to air abusers in ground realistic?



That isn’t even looking at aircraft like the Me262 A-1/U4 and similar gun based CAS options where taking a ground belt costs the same as a heavy tank spawn as the top br in a game. I will agree that some of the bomb loadouts need an sp increase, but most of the gun belts need a steep sp decrease. I’m talking about rank 6 and below though, top tier stuff gets super expensive super quickly.

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Yeah, Id be fine with that as well. I think just need to totally overhaul the SP costs and how the calculate then. Id almost want to see SP costs be on a case by case basis.

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That is what i think will help a lot. They really need to further itemize it. No reason 5 paveways should cost the same sp as 2.

Would incentive more diverse load outs and provide more room for gaijin to adjust the sp cost of suspended weapons.

Same with belts too. If my 20mm cannon has only like 60 rounds, maybe the AP belt shouldnt cost 150sp


yep. also things can change more. Like 2x 1k bombs at Br3. very strong. but is the same true at 11.3? Could it be lower? I think it would address some of the issues with CAS (some things would get nerfed) but it wouldn’t be blanket nerfing and in some areas, maybe things would actually get stronger, or at the very least. be more desirable to use

(I would love to do more bombing runs in the Tornado Gr1 with 12x 1k drag bombs, but it just isnt worth it 99% of the time, especially when GBUs and PGMs are only slightly more)

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And in AB fighters also do not get enemy vehicle target marks that bombers and attackers get.

So what version of this would you see introduced in RB? Fighters already get no enemy marks - neither do attackers or bombers - they don’t get bomb aiming marks either. And the Do-335 (from the OP) is an attacker - so it isn’t going to change at all with any change to fighters…

Seems like someone hasn’t actually thought much beyond “Waaaahhhh … I don’t like it! 😭”

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I only spawn aircraft, to eliminate enemy aircraft. Besides, most of the time the enemies better players are the ones spawning aircraft and as you know, you can’t cap points in aircrafts

Easy to shoot down if you know how to aim a .50 cal or 20mm, on ground vehicles and aircraft

then it just becomes air battles by that advice and so whats the point of playing ground battles

unless something changed is SPAA or any vehicles allowed in air battles to fight the AI positions and players?

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You are somewhat out of your element here, and it is evident. Taking ground belts on the Do-335 B-2 requires more sp per belt type, so if you want 30mm ground belts it takes sp, if you want the 20mm ground belts it requires more sp, and if you want bombs on top of that it requires even more sp. Some planes that primarily use guns are prohibitively expensive requiring over 600 sp spawn in with ground belts. Noone is simply dying and spawning in an attacker with ground belts.


Sounds like fun to me, Currently most CAS have 0 value in ARB.


Um… to be fair if your argument to fix cas is bringing your own plane. Then you may or may not be apart of the problem.

yeah it would be

just reduce the sp for cap plane (only bring full he belt and/or a2a missle) to 100sp and increase sp for full a2g plane/heli to 800-900 minimum and ill be a happy ground main


You mean ground mixed battles or naval mixed battles? Because that is what happened to Warthunder. It was an aircraft game and then they added in the ability to use ground/naval forces. So yes, they do allow ground/naval based AA vehicles in air battles, it is called Ground and Naval mixed battles.

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I agree, though It should be done differently than that.

An aircraft, any aircraft should have a base SP cost of about 200 (except at lower BRs where guns are the main CAS weapon). and then have the A2G loadout make up the bulk of the SP cost.


  • The quantity of weapons should effect SP
  • The Type of weapon should effect SP
  • SP cost of weapons to vary from BR to BR
  • Specific weapon/aircraft combos should be manually adjusted (or at least have the option to be manually adjusted)

That way any aircraft can be used for CAP, and certain weapons and or amount of weapons arent quite as expensive.


no i was saying his advice turns it back into air battles honestly im back after 4 years and this game vastly different now so idk whats goin on lol

I know, I just like to bring up that Warthunder isn’t as quite a few of the playerbase see it. Alot of folks want to say “aircraft shouldn’t be in ground battles” but that statement is incorrect from the start. Aircraft were the way this game got it’s start, and ground vehicles were an afterthought, an addition to diversify gameplay. These ground only players that say this don’t experience the entire game, and don’t see it for what it really is. They don’t care about how the game started or evolved, they just want their tanks and only tanks.

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i had an account when it was just planes in 2014 came back for the tanks in 2015

This, please this. I hate having to spend so much sp to be able to take a fighter for CAP. Ground RB is the only way you can get that unspotted dogfight feel without forced 1st person. Plus noone I’ve ever played in high tier ground know how what radar missiles are, and it always ends with a kill for me.