Can we stop throwing bones to air abusers in ground realistic?

More players focus on the combined aspect = more people fighting air

People will still be suicide bombing

If You have problem with this aspect of the game, You could play TO

But I still want to play planes in grb

Then You play GRB and accept it

Why should I just accept it?

Because if You want combined You should accept it as it is part of it

Dying to air is part of combined gameplay, with TO, You would have alternative for that


SPAA, like all vehicles, should earn the severely damaged/finished off kills with the new system. SPAA do earn the same amount of rewards as an aircraft to aircraft kill in Ground RB (with vehicle individual modifiers taken into account).


I would like for ground-air kills to give the same score as ground-ground kills.

Currently, shooting down a plane gives about 1/3rd of the score as a ground kill.

Because high chances are, guns do little damage, so as you would, bringing a plane without a bomb load, is much lower SP. I’m slowly getting used the the Anti-CAS threads every 1/2 day or so.

Score or rewards? Now I’m doubting what I said earlier and must verify when I get off work.

Score. I dont remember the exact amount but is is usually about 200-something for shooting down a plane and like 500-something for a tank.

Might be closer to 1/2 though. I just remember getting matches with 3 air kills and still being below people who have like 1 kill and 1 assist.

Would be nice to bring those at least to the same level.
Also some nice addition would be score for SPAA that fires at enemy aircraft, which then miss with their own ordinance or only do minor damage.

Which is also garbage and why nobody wants to play fighters.

I do, because I don’t care about the rewards.

Most people aren’t like us with 1 million games played. They need incentive. Esp at high tier where it’s like, 20k per mod !

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Incentives would always be nice. I would like to see the rewards for shooting down aircraft rise and also a reward for causing them to miss their attack, if possible.

If this is to be a thing, then SPAA would also have to have that directly counted. That if a single shot was even shot past them by an SPAA they got the credit if none others.

That is what I mean. A reward for SPAA if they disturb enemy aircraft enough to miss their attack.

lol nice, thought you were still talking of fighters and was thinking the old ‘manoeuvre kill’