Can we just get rid of planes in Arcade?

Air RB? are you ok?

Why should there be skill in tanks but no skill in planes? How many can actually get multiple kills in a plane? Most newbies cant even land the thing.

Because the game needs balancing?! Maybe…

Most of them with bombs.

Pressing the SPACE bar a few times does not require much skill.
This is also arcade mode, you dont land an aircraft there anyway, so what’s your point?

A leading indicator that is not accurate, planes surviving 11kg HE shell exxploding right next to them, and stuff like that…

And many realistic players can’t take off without crashing! The “runway sacrifice” strikes nearly every game in higher tiers.

Guys - they are collecting suggestions for the new roadmap here:

From what we’ve seen, removal of aircraft from standard modes is not going to happen because it is supposed to be a combined arms game, and we’ve talked about it multiple times on old forums.

Closest thing that we can get to get rid of the stupidity of air mission is to push for having the same aircraft spawn system as in the naval AB, so please vote for this suggestion here: Use Naval AB aircraft spawning system for ground AB and possibly submit it in the roadmap survey form.


Ofc will not happen but they can take out spawn planes-helicopters spawn behind respawn killing ppl with impunity it’s just ridiculous every 20 sec respawn even if you play AAA you will not turn the turret on time and get bombed or rocket + the AAA should reload on respawn.

like always they give you bad option , every 3 month you need to train crew again not only the chances not give you SL back for training crew but now you will need to buy another 6 slots to play Arcade just idiotic

No thats bullcrap ,you dont get long enough in a plane in Arcade to do anything

Gaijin will not make ground battles without aircraft - they stated multiple times in Q&A that the game is to be a combined arms game.

Planes killing players with immunity, planes being strong enough against SPAA of specific BR is a separate topic from the spawn mechanic. Reload in air is separate topic as well.

Currently the spawn mechanic is making it so that since you’re not penalised for doing daredevil actions, you can dive into stream of SPAA bullets without caring about it, because you’ll lose this plane anyway. And in naval AB it’s a completely different behavior because you want to survive for another run, because you hardly ever have chance to pick the plane second time in the same match.

For helis, it’ll mean that at the point in time when helis start popping out, others need to take SPAAs or planes to counter that, but it won’t be that again and again its the same player taking heavy bomber for a quick bombing run.

Air mission is RNG based - starting positions mostly decides which side wins - but it can’t be solved differently than like this in such mechanic with limited time. That is why if you want it to be fair to both sides, you need more time for the players and fair engagement conditions, so both teams start from their sides and not with interceptors right on their tails, and they will fight in the air properly. There will be fighter pilots that will hunt down bombers instead of attacking ground units, because they will have time to do so.

Can you explain what you mean?

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Sorry ,it would help if I typed it properly. Time is too brief in a plane in arcade to do much

You only need a couple of seconds to wipe half the enemy team in Arcade depending on the bomber “they” give you, and you get multiple times to try it in a single match.

Yes buy you wont do it everytime and you have get the bomber in the first place ,its arcade ,its just a bit of fun.Maybe GRB is but we all take it too seriously

Not in every game of course but it’s rare to have a game where I don’t get at least one kill with CAS. And you have the other players trying it too.

One kill CAS and how many with tanks?

I often get like 8 in tanks and 4 in planes or 7 in tanks and 5 in planes with 3 bombing runs in a match, so it’s like 30-40%? being kills from planes?

If you have a good tank/SPG that can kill quickly you will be like 3 kills → bomber → another 2 kills → bomber → another 2 kills → bomber and the match is over. It’s kind of weird, but you get one of the points for the bomber just by being in fight for some time, so you don’t actually need 3 kills for each bomber.

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It depends on the match but I usually get a good amount of kills with both tanks and CAS. I’ll use CAS if I can leave my tank in a safe spot, or I won’t if I can’t, it depends a lot on the situation.

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Just to show that you can get planes before anyone else can do anything like jumping into interceptor, unless some spawn first in SPAA:

  1. There are maps that have sniping ranges where some players will still try to rush right in front of you:
  1. There are vehicles that are shooting quickly and can win a close range brawl:
  1. There are maps where people stick together on a point and can get killed quickly thanks to that:
  1. There are vehicles that can shoot at the beginning of the match in calculated positions to score kills:

While the last case is something that is tricky to do, the others are about some other players not knowing how to play safely and giving others free early kills, which effectively lets a single experienced player with fast shooting vehicle get heavy bomber within first minute of the game…

I also can get back to my best vehicle and keep doing the same thing and jump into heavy bomber 3 or 4 times in a match in total. What increases the odds of being able to get the bomber, is if you have a squad mates on the voice comms that are taking the planes and letting you know when the air mission is ending so you can be ready to press the button at the perfect time.

If arcade had the naval spawn in all those cases, I probably wouldn’t take out a heavy bomber with a lot of bombs because some of those killed players would pick SPAA right away or someone would take out fighter quickly and take me down. Taking out heavy bomber would be mostly one-time trick to try and win the game with one push, but it would be risk if other players can do it as well.

Arcade is just arcade,its just a kill fest anyway who cares?

Well, those who play arcade as their main mode care. Yes, some people that play mainly RB treat AB as a way to do tasks from time to time easier or to jump there for fun, but it’s not just that.

There are reasons to play AB for example not to strain your eyes looking for targets because it’s just a game, while also wanting the game not to be completely dominated by being constantly pestered by aircraft because you are using an easy vehicle to be killed by aircraft.

The fact that you don’t care about AB doesn’t mean the players that play AB mostly shouldn’t care about it just because of what you think about AB.