Can we just get rid of planes in Arcade?

It is fun until the player base kill it like they have GRB

And that is actually a problem in Arcade that the plane is free and people are doing kamikaze strafing runs.

What RB has problem with is that SPAAs don’t get the lead indicator to shoot down the planes, and I talked about why this is wrong here: CAS vs SPAA balancing through historical/realistic crew performance instead of vehicle/ordnance nerfs/boosts - Gameplay - War Thunder - Official Forum and I think effectively this balance in pre-radar eras is also taken into later BRs where radar is there to match the dynamic of the match from lower tiers.

In both cases it’s about SPAAs and turret-top guns not being an actual deterrent against CAS, but the specifc cause in mechanics is different for each mode.

I think the only mode where CAS is balanced against ground is naval when facing big ships, because it gets tricky to hit the target from high altitude while getting lower is certain death or damage that is crippling enough to just j-out because getting back to airfield would take too much time.

The leader should be in your head after playing Arcade for a while so you dont physically need it in GRB same with knowing where to shoot.Simple fact is planes are too fast for SPAA after 5 BR and the veiw from SPAA in WT is shockingly bad.CAS rules in that area where planes became fast before missile tech came in.MG and cannon struggle in that era. I like the CAS system in arcade.

No, it’s not working like this. You can figure out the direction of the bomber flying straight and figure out if you’re shooting too low or too high by seeing whether your tracers are in front or behind, but once you’re targeting a turning fighter, you need to properly see the target and this is not possible without proper eye adaptation and without stereoscopic vision. Moreover in SPAAs there are multiple crew not for just reloading, but also because targeting and lead estimation is a multi-crew operation, and since the crew is a proxy for functions of a vehicle encapsulated into mechanics like for example repair, or being able to shoot while driving, lead should also be treated as such mechanic in RB. It should be better or worse depending on the vehicle type, and whether you have full turret crew or not, but it should be there.

On a flat screen when aircraft is lit based on your graphics setting and multiple other factors, it’s not possible to properly do that, and what is actually happening is that the longer you play as SPAA, you have some rough estimation, but it’s mostly wrong. But because you are spending time shooting at planes and you’re spading your crew, it gets better because the game is letting you hit those, not because you learned how to exactly estimate the lead.

Of course there are strategies where you should be able to hit like for example over-leading in front of a bomber and waiting for the bomber to pass through it, but still even in arcade it’s not always giving you even a hit because the game is deciding whether you hit or not.

And the proof is there in the fact that you can have aced crew while playing SPAA with gamepad where the game locks the target for you with lead and then the game has to decide how many of the hits you are hitting correctly. And also there that there are flick-shots where you quickly turn to another tank or a plane and press fire fast enough and you’re scoring a perfect hit while you know your crosshair wasn’t even there on the target yet.

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The problem is No planes no SPAA and you lost two major deals in the game.


Yeah, I agree. I’m not advocating for removal of the planes. I advocate for improving the balance and changing the spawn mechanics so it’s not a kamikaze show like it is now. I created a separate topic because the two topics here about Tank Only mode are just a discussion about something that will not happen exactly because of what you said here.

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Another case of a single bombing run completely deciding the match:

After the bombing, my team pushed to their spawn on this side and flanked the guys on A at the same time and it was over, they couldn’t go out of spawn much nor defend A for too long.

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Speak for yourself. I love to play my favorite SPAA. However, Gaijin needs to provide a few more quality SPAA’s and also provide more motivation for a player to spawn earlier with an SPAA. Maybe more points for kills or something like that.

They should do something about the issue. Like I said many times on the forum, I’d prefer to have the spawn system from naval along few additional balancing improvements, then it would make more sense in arcade than planes crashing into the ground while strafing soft targets.

I just dropped another video here because there was a discussion before of ratio between kills made by tanks and made by bombers, and it was a good example how if you’re not intercepted, you can easily blow it out of proportions and decide the match outcome before it even started for good.

The problem with using SPAAs is that you either get a match full of planes or you get a match with barely any enemy plane. For the matches full of planes I think that SPAAs are well rewarded but when there aren’t any planes to kill it’s just wasted time.

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Would be nice if there was a Ground Only Mode but no, Gaijin hates you.
And the nice part about it is that you get less SL from a Plane than a Tank.
BR 10.3:
1 Tank Kill - 5790 SL
1 Plane Kill - 4230 SL

Don’t know why nobody plays SPAA? Looks like fun to shoot down Jets with mach 1, than can kill you from out of range, while you spraying 35 mm on them and if you barely hit one, you get less SL. Love it. You know, because shooting a jet in 3d space with mach 1 is easier than shooting a tank.

Ground Arcade’s air component has zero value.

Removing the air component both improves the game mode and gives people asking for ground only a compromise.

Since you are a RB player your opinion here has zero value for me, go make your suggestions in the RB section and let Arcade players decide how they want the mode they play to be.


Since you’re an AB player your opinion has zero value for me, go play World of Tanks if you want an arcade experience. War Thunder should not sacrifice its gameplay value because people don’t want to learn the game.

First, I never played World of Tanks or had the desire to try it, second, this is the ARCADE section and you play RB so the question is why are you still here trying to change a game mode you do not like or play?

I couldn’t agree more, if you want to play Arcade then learn to deal with CAS there.


Yes, and now you’re here. I know, that’s why I recommend you play the game that was designed with Arcade mechanics and gameplay in mind. It has what you’re looking for.

“deal with CAS”

The CAS in Arcade is on a rotating basis called out and spawned with interceptors behind it

“deal with CAS” the game mode auto counters the CAS in the game mode

The mechanic is purposeless, you don’t even use your own vehicles

Because RB players want tank only and I don’t want Ground RB to be tank only. Ground Arcade on the other hand is much better suited for tank only gameplay and the game mode will benefit both from more players and the improved gameplay of no pointless CAS coming to revenge bomb.

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If RB players want a tank only mode then go ask for a RB tank only game mode and stop trying to change a game mode you do not like or play.


Yes that’s the exact problem.

Ground RB should not be tank only. A tank only game mode would be extremely static and boring especially with War Thunder’s atrocious maps.

Ground Arcade is much better suited as tanks light up like Christmas trees making camping much less efficient.

Ground Arcade in its current state has zero value to War Thunder.

Ground Arcade as a tank only game mode offers value to War Thunder.