Call of the Dragon: Object 292

If you have real proves they SHOULD take it in account, so don’t lose the faith, make the report when it released.

i think that reload time is more important for a sniper tank, it determined how many round you can shoot to enemies before you been notice and must run

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Not necessarily, i often do the “shoot and scoot” tactic where I peek from a hill, shoot, back up behind hill again and wait untill a good opportunity to shoot again.

Then Reload doesn’t really matter as much as it does in cqc or open terrain where if both see and shoot at the same time, both survive, the one with faster reload often wins. But if you are behind a hill that reload time fast becomes less important.

it depend on enemy, if you enemy is sharp enough, you may been hit if you are shooting the secord round, you may being restrained and cant support your team, if you are not so lucky, you canno may be killed, then enemy can have enough time to cross the area you were sniping at or push to you and kill you

Does this tank have a stabiliser?

Interesting: In addition to the Kirov plant in Leningrad, development of 152 mm guns was carried out at the Ural Design Bureau of Transport Engineering (“Object 195”) and the Kharkov Malyshev Plant (“Boxer” project).

Guns for tanks in the USSR/In Russia, they are developed by Specialized enterprises, not tank production plants…
Guns for tanks Object 477 Boxer/Object 292-Developed at the Central Research Institute TsNII “Burevestnik”-Gorky (Nizhny Novgorod)…
1.Object 477_LP-81/LP-81M/LP-83
2.Object 292_LP-83

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You can clearly see the LWS and what would be K5 as seen on the T-90A, the tank that the 292 was potentially going to compliment as the next version of the T-80. Would be nice to see the 292 with armor etc. in the TT when they get there at some point.

Which tank is the paper tank? Which E series tank was a fully functioning prototype?

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The object-292-has passed a full cycle of factory tests and firing-the project has been curtailed due to lack of funding… - Сайт стендовых моделистов. Галерея, обзоры, конкурсы.

Anti-ERA tip isn’t even going to work properly until they model ERA and penetrators with full physics, which they still haven’t. DM73 specifically, on a tank that with the new spall liners is the hardest tank to kill at top tier? I could understand 829A3 if US mains continue to struggle, but DM73 is insane.

All because a T-80 with no thermals, no ERA, at 10.0, which won’t even see 11.7 unless dragged into it, has a round with about 695m pen? Talk about overreaction.

Agreed. All of that pen is wasted in a downtier or at 10.0. Tank will be horribly unbalanced as the testbed without armor and thermals if it’s brought up in BR.

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What about L27

it doesnt get thermals my dude stop crying about everything

obviously… just a high tier obj 120

how does a mechanic not yet in game compare to a tank…?

tell me one time a new vehicle wasnt subject to change

no it isnt? apart from having good reload and pen, what else does it have over other tanks in that br? except armor, but whyd you be shooting at the most armored part…? this excuse is the same for top tier where people cried about t90m having better armor on places you already couldn’t pen

im not gonna deny that its definitely gonna go up in br, but you need to start looking at other stuff before crying

its slow ass reload and the big ass gun already make it a target for lights that will just abuse it by destroying the barrel then the tracks, etc.

its a high risk high reward vic, if it misses(definitely gonna happen alot due to its trash gun handling), you outload it atleast once, letting you disable that cannon

its not, its from a t80BV, which from what I can tell even though russian naming conventions suck, switched from the 4 layer scheme of the B to the 5 layer scheme of the U in ~1985ish. 292 is from the early 90s so its a good bet its on the 5 layer scheme

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Which tank is the paper tank? Which E series tank was a fully functioning prototype?

Take the japanese Ho-ri series for example.
As far as documentation goes the Ho-Ri production variant never existed. There were designs and a small wooden mock-up but that was it.

The story of the Ho-Ri prototype is a bit strange on the other hand. With one side claiming it did exist and the other side saying it didn’t make it before the end of the war.

For example:
According to "The National Institute for Defense Studies, Ministry of Defense, Military Administration of Munitions Mobilization, Production Chart of January to April of 1945. the plan was to produce a total of 5 Ho-Ri gun tanks by March 1945. The 105 mm main gun was produced and tested. However, no prototypes are known to have been completed.‘’

While another source says:
‘‘The construction of the prototype was completed in 1944. The tank achieved a speed of 40kmh during the trials. The tests were seen as a success, resulting in the Army ordering 5 units of the tank. However, by the time of the war’s end, the series of tanks only made it to 50% completion. Only one operable prototype had been completed fully.’’

The problem with the last qoute is that there is no evidence of an existing prototype. (no photo’s, videos or further public documentation.) Yes it had design plans and drawings like the ‘‘production variant’’ and a similiar wooden mock-up. but beside that only the gun ever existed.

I did find a japanese picture of wat could be a test document that reffered to the Ho-Ri as ‘‘wooden car’’ wich is interesting.

As for Gaijins statement: “It would fill some gaps in the tech tree”
Wich i agree, the japanese tech tree is a bit empty at some ranks.

Next one:
Ostwind 2

In game we have the Ostwind 2.

The war thunder wiki claims: ‘‘To increase the firing rate, the Flakpanzer IV “Ostwind” was redesigned with two 37 mm Flugzeugabwehrkanone 43 cannons. A single prototype was built, but World War II ended before it could be fully completed.’’

When in fact there were no plans to begin with. No known prototypes or no ducomentation suggesting there was ever the plan to upgrade the normal ostwind. Could be because they already had problems producing the normal Ostwind nearing the end of the war. There are speculations that a prototype could have been made but nothing supports that claim. Making this a paper tank aswell.

(fun fact: the Flakpanzer 341 that was removed from the game actually had a full scale half functioning mock up. In 1944 a single Flakpanzer 341was made based on the Panther D hull with a wooden mock-up turret.)

I’m sure there are more things surrounding paper vehicles in War Thunder but these are just 2 well known examples that came to mind.

As for the German E tanks. Reading back my question, i understand your confusion. I did not mean German E type tanks as in prototypes but as in possible ‘‘paper’’ tanks to be added for an event for example.

I agree that the tank is weak without armor, like the Vidar, it urgently needs to be set to 8.0. You don’t understand the problem is that with 10.0 it will always be from 8.7 to 9.3, as it happens with the premium T-55 Am-1 with a crowbar against cardboard without crowbars, it stupidly fanshots everyone. G6 and m109 have a longer reload without az, but this does not prevent you from killing if you have straight hands on any br.

It just seems to be a trend to introduce all event vehicles at way too low br just so people would grind and buy them…

There is no way gaijin doesn’t realize they are too low when players see it so clearly.

Thats a mockup

again you havent even seen it play out and you already want a br increase…

everyone knows itll go up in br regardless, even gaijin

tell me when has a new vehicle not been changed in some way when its all literally subject to change