Object 477 - Bringing the Hammer Down

I apologize, I’m still working on the specifications, images and the overall layout of the post, I understand it’s a bit rough right now.

Where did such a seven-wheeled T-80 with GTD-1250 come from?

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I believe this was an initial prototype but I could be wrong. Still gathering information.

+1 Looking forward to some kind of “upgunned” update where each nation gets their big calibre MBT projects.


Its maybe not very important, but still…
Buntar - rather translate as Rioter, when Rebel is more like Povstanets.

Difference is:
Buntar (Rioter) - its more like civilian/citizen, who start the riot (“bunt”), but at most times aint use firearms, preferring more… proletarian types of weaponry, like sticks and bricks. Or weaponless at all.

Rebel (Povstanets) - is more like a civilian (former, or not at all), who is a part of unconventional/outlaw armed group/militia, doing some outlaw, anti-government stuff.

Oof… Why that looks like some mind-breaking, vision trick?


You definitely seem to be right, coming from a person who knows no russian.

Since its actual name is Объект 477 бунтарь

бунтарь - Rioter

бунт - Riot

мятежник - Rebel

мятеж - Rebellion

But “Rebel” is the common (and only) translation used in english. Even Andrei Tarasenko who runs Btvt.info has translated the name to “Rebel” and not Rioter. Though I’m not aware of much western literature on the vehicle.

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In this context, in relation to the tank, the translation in a figurative sense would be more accurate…
“A restless, always protesting person calling for decisive action, for breaking the old.”

The most authoritative dictionary in Russia/USSR/RF is S.I.Ozhegov’s explanatory dictionary… БУНТАРЬ | это… Что такое БУНТАРЬ? (academic.ru)


I see that this hasn’t been passed for consideration, probably because we basically have this now with the Object 292, correct?

The 292 and 477 are separate vehicles


This thing isnt, but its brother was passed for consideration.

No we dont, the 477 and 195 are MUCH better and more sophisticated tanks.


Ah ok, sorry for the misunderstanding.

I support the suggestion. Nevertheless, the proposed APFSDS (Grifel) is wrong. The latter is exclusive for the moment to Object 195´s main gun (2A83). Object 477 gun was likely compatible with the APFSDS currently modeled ingame for Object 292 (although the cited muzzle velocity is highly likely wrong as well).


I was actually meaning to get around to changing that, thank you.

Pls bro I’ll pay anybody like 500$ for it

This precise photo is believed to be the second mockup of Object 477A that could move on its own (also known as ХМ-2 which stands for Ходовой Макет - 2). The vehicle was also made into a model you can buy (see the picture below).

Edit: To make this post complete, here is the first ХМ-1 (based on the chassis of T-64):



My old suggestion get good information and let me know if you need anything

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Thank you. I also just updated the post just a little bit.

Suggestion passed to the developers for consideration.