Call of the Dragon: Earn the Object 292!

USA Germany Russia need to be on hold so smaller nations can get more love


They’ve never delivered non-functional vehicles.
I also wouldn’t be surprised if this new system is to uphold new regulations about monetizing games.
Say China’s alleged new laws.
And if that’s the case then this even was likely rushed, since it’s ahead of when events would normally start.

Remember, all you have to do is change the “Would you recommend this game to others?” on Steam from a yes to a no. Unless you’ve always had it as a no. Then carry on.

War Thunder is already back to “mixed”.

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I said unfinished not. Not non-functional

Do any of the latest round of aircraft have their radars? Gripen certainly doesn’t

Tornado? Do I need to say anymore

I really wanted to update mine to “yes” this year.


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Do i actually have to copypaste this every time you are here?


we got the PUMA missing key features like AHEAD and a good bit of Armor missing the HSTV-L is missing its real APFSDS HE VT and tracking oh almost forgot the APS on the PUMA is still not working as it should like irl where its 360°


I kept mine at no. Even with the roadmap changes, there’s still way too many issues that remain unresolved.

Assistant App

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WTF, 750000 mission points???

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Im starting to understand why so many people use bots. That is only free and not insane way of grinding 750k Score.


Yes and no, with everything that gaijin has done and still has so many players, he knows that he can perfectly destroy the game more and there will still be many people playing the same. If they don’t earn much in the event tank store, they will achieve it by selling new premiums, and thus people will not be able to get as many event tanks to sell, so more and more people will buy tanks with their own money. You may earn less, but you will still earn a lot, and without putting much effort into the game, since you will not They will waste time solving problems, just add new tanks and other various junk and earn money with low labor costs.

You can both just check total players in queue at any time you know.

In any case, Gaijin has said repeatedly, as recently as last year, that ground AB is more popular than RB by a considerable factor, this isn’t really in any doubt.

It isn’t a terrible argument? It’s 45k every 2 days instead of 120k.

If 5k points over 2 days is harder, then go off.

Because the point of the event is to give a limited time vehicle with some special attribute.

Most of the people who played the event didn’t play it to get a limit time vehicle, but to simply sell it.

Which doesn’t explain anything about this event, everything about it is stupid, non-sensical and harmful to to the game and it’s playerbase and Gaijin itself.

An event that is possible would attract more players, increase playtime, increase marketplace interaction, increase sales, increase premium account and vehicle purchase, create good will with the community etc.

Instead Gaijin does the opposite, achieve nothing, piss people off, lose money and make themselves look like an idiot as they do every other week.

Gaijin is just peak incompetence, no sane company would also create a new event they want to advertise and instantly do the absolute maximum as an introduction to the event.


Yeah, for the air events. SB is going to swamped with bots. Though easy pickings to farm though

So someone else gets that limited time vehicle in exchange for money, doesn’t seem senseless to me.
Wackos with too much time on their hand get paid to play the game, and people with money pay them to get what they want, what’s the senseless part here?

750k to be allowed to trade!? Ooooooh that totally doesn’t ramp up. Fomo and increase GE sales…

China Loong? Russian vehicles? What is their relationship?
And the score required for this car is too high. If you want to sell the redemption voucher, you need to complete 75W points, which is crazy