Call of the Dragon: Earn the Object 292!

yep its what will happen i see lots of those tryhards going for certain OP lineups at lower BRs in a 4 man squad its why i dont play anything under 9.0 during an event anymore

My favourite part is this: “ground AB is about 3x more popular than ground RB. Which you would never guess from reading the forums.”

Just cause forum and reddit is full of RB players doesn’t mean that most AB players also waste their time here.

Claimant’s average score per game last month, which includes most of the last event:

Ground RB: 1534
Ground AB: 1106

Add one more to the Alvis competition. What’s “trivial” is the math required to check average score on Feb 1 and Feb 19 and determine what the average score was when people “turned it on”.


Never said that but good for you i guess.

Definetly can’t tell that Gaijin is a russian company


The older events were still 2 days per stage, just as now.
Though modern events you get the vehicle at stage 8 instead of stage 10.

First Russian event MBT since Moderna I think?

How do you check the average score?

What I mean is that by the forum threads and posts you would never guess the amount of AB players this game has, you would for sure think that most players play RB, but when you check server replays it’s not what it shows.

I don’t know why Gaijin insist on such high prices, especially with digital content where the costs does not increase with volume.
They would probably make way more money in total if event vehicle would cost 5$ instead of 25$.


Sorry, must of been unclear, by older i meant the ones like summer extreme 2023, not the ones without score.

2 days, 10 stages = 20 days if you want to sell the vehicle to buy premium, like many average players do.
Its now 54 days if you want to sell 3 vehicles.

The Chinese new year event vehicle should have been. Well Chinese. But nope it’s Russian

YEP i would use like 100GE to finish a task if i m super Tired or annoyed at the game


And as proof of that you suggested to use a 3 year old post using data gathered by player, post hidden out of sights on old forums, which I was supposed to either have at hand and know about or search for it and thus i am wrong for asking for source in the first place.


But anyway, I’m glad this first event vehicle I can totally and completely ignore. Farming any ground event would suck

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Yeah, don’t get that decision myself. Then again, didn’t a staff member just get busted for being racists to Chinese players? I’ve mentioned it not too long ago but I don’t think they’re intending to hide their true colors this year.

It really does, at least in air you can bomb and ignore pvp, in ground its all about who has the better tank and skill.

45000 points, isn’t that more than what was required for previous activities? If you want to obtain a redemption voucher, you need 750k! You haven’t done any load reduction at all, instead, you have made people invest more time and score more points, making those players who originally had limited time only obtain vehicles by recharging!!

I have no idea, but wouldn’t surprise me.

They keep dropping the ball with events and updates. They seem to focus way too much on US or USSR and never on other nations

Wouldn’t be surprised if the next one [or major update] is a Chinese vehicle just cause it wasn’t finished in time.

This event is too hard to do. Reduce the costs by half across the board. Id like to see some more player union shenanigans due to this insane event. You lock one of my favorite vehicles behind an event no one has time to do.