Call of the Dragon: Earn the Object 292!

Because the point of the event is to give a limited time vehicle with some special attribute.

Most of the people who played the event didn’t play it to get a limit time vehicle, but to simply sell it.

Which doesn’t explain anything about this event, everything about it is stupid, non-sensical and harmful to to the game and it’s playerbase and Gaijin itself.

An event that is possible would attract more players, increase playtime, increase marketplace interaction, increase sales, increase premium account and vehicle purchase, create good will with the community etc.

Instead Gaijin does the opposite, achieve nothing, piss people off, lose money and make themselves look like an idiot as they do every other week.

Gaijin is just peak incompetence, no sane company would also create a new event they want to advertise and instantly do the absolute maximum as an introduction to the event.


Yeah, for the air events. SB is going to swamped with bots. Though easy pickings to farm though

So someone else gets that limited time vehicle in exchange for money, doesn’t seem senseless to me.
Wackos with too much time on their hand get paid to play the game, and people with money pay them to get what they want, what’s the senseless part here?

750k to be allowed to trade!? Ooooooh that totally doesn’t ramp up. Fomo and increase GE sales…

China Loong? Russian vehicles? What is their relationship?
And the score required for this car is too high. If you want to sell the redemption voucher, you need to complete 75W points, which is crazy


Personally like going after the airfield missile bots in Air SB. Just hover over the airfield and slap whatever gets close.

Yeah thats always fun. I farmed several of the tokens last time in the Phantom FG1 just patrolling for those bots. Some got through, most didnt. The rage was the best.

Cool beans.

Still i dont understand whats bad about asking for a source.

arent you the one saying “sourcing is bad” after being told about your own stats through replays?

Excuse me what?

I agree with you, they are tremendously incompetent, but that’s what I’m telling you, even if this is real garbage, it will get more people playing, even if in the end they don’t succeed, they will play not for the security of getting it, but for the possibility of achieving it, although they will end up getting desperate and quitting, but while they will have players trying, just notice that there are many more players playing when there are events, that is why gaijin has decided to do this, create consecutive events to keep that amount of people playing often, at least even if it’s for a while.

your words, not mine

well rather, you not actually reading. poor wording on my end

So, this is a bit apples and oranges.

If you’re talking vehicles to own, you could do all 3 in the last event for 96k per two days, averaged out. That’s the comparison point with 45k now. So one earnable vehicle for half the effort of three before.

If you’re talking vehicles to sell, all three in the last event was 120k. The comparison point on that is 83k every two days now, so one sellable vehicle for 2/3 of what 3 would cost in terms of effort.


I mean tons of people aren’t even going to bother, some delusional people will try and fail, and they won’t bother the next time either, it doesn’t make any sense to design an event this way that you plan to have run permanently where by the end of the year the majority of vehicles will be supplied by bots and a few insane people.

Don’t create an event if you don’t want people to succeed and just don’t create a game if you’re this out of touch.

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I honestly give up trying to argue here, I’ve got more important things to do, so I’m going to sum up my points.

For the average player, who goes for one event vehicle either due to relaxed playing style or time restraints as we have heard from people in this thread, this event has a longer grind.

People have been complaining about 40k a stage events for ages, yes they are better than what was before them, but it is still a bad system. Gaijin have now put this to 45k a stage, a step in the wrong direction.

The grind to get 3 vehicles like in previous events now takes, in terms of days, almost 3 times longer.
The idea of grinding one vehicle at a time is a good idea, if we got 4 vehicles spread out over the year instead of 4 at once in events like summer extreme 2023. However there is now going to be a constant stream of events, alongside things like the battle pass, and pages of history making it harder to achieve all the special items throughout the game.

A way to fix this would be to have 40k as the max amount per stage, reserved for top tier vehicles, 30k for medium tier and 20k for low tier, in my opinion. I would also have these events last 20 days with 10 stages, and they would happen every other month, eg January then March then May etc.

This is all my opinion so I don’t really care what anybody thinks about it. I wish you all a very happen argument.


Lmao dude doesn’t know that you can actually capture points throughout the game and not only straight from spawn.

And this connects to this

exactly how??

you are incapable of reading it seems. To each their own.